Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beach House Sandstone Blog Launch

Today it is with great excitement and anticipation, that I launch my blog about living on the northern beaches of Sydney, Australia.  I live with Mr Beach House and the two Beach House Brats in a little beach cottage moments from  this beach.  The construction style of our home is known locally, as Avalonian  beach cottage. It was built immediately after WW2 as a holiday home.  Probably by a group of mates with several slabs of beer amongst their provisions, gathering each weekend over many months, even years, as only men know how.  The view then would have been like this.

Today the trees have all grown up and now it is like this. That headland in the distance is Manly.  Note to self: remind Mr Beach House to prune that dead branch.

Over the years the cottage has been renovated to within and inch of its life and I will be showing you many pictures of that continuing project over the life of this blog. 

But today I wanted to talk about a very popular aspect of beachside construction here in Sydney.  That is, the wonderful Sydney sandstone.  Many of the beach houses around here including my own, use it in their foundations, fireplaces, garden retaining walls and paving and as you will see the results are simply stunning.  The colours vary from yellow to reds, whites and browns and I love it wherever I see it.

Here are just a few examples, from fireplaces

Don't you just love the boats and it looks oh so cozy!

And how about this gorgeous one This house is currently for sale in Avalon, Sydney.

The combination of coral and deer antlers is intersting. 
This same house uses Sydney sandstone to clad the island bench to stunning effect

The stone is also used alot outdoors in poolscapes,stairs and retaining walls.

Sydneysiders also like to use sandstone as foundations and outdoor features on many of the beautiful buildings around here.

Well my darlings congratulations if you got this far.  I hope it didn't take you as long to read as it took me to put together.  The lovely Shari over at is putting together a gorgeous blog design for me so  please excuse the generic design for today.Thanks for stopping by for my launch.  I hope you enjoyed these  pictures and you now have a better idea of the rock that Sydney and its people are built on.

Best wishes

Today I am linked at the Winter Blues Wednesday Link Party
and I'm also linked up over at

All photos in this post were sourced from and are currently for sale or have been recently sold.


  1. how great are you!!!!! all the best, you will be brilliant
    nic in nz

  2. I am your second follower!! I love all of the photos. Just beautiful. I would love for you to come and follow me back and join in the Winter Blues Wednesday link party I have going on. Hope to see you there.

  3. Well you had me at hello Carolyn - and you live in one of my very favourite parts of the world to boot. I've you've read my blog you'll know how much I love me a bit of sandstone, and the ubiquitous Northern Beaches architecture is my all-time fave. Really looking forward to following along - so glad you popped in to my blog and left your lovely message! K xx

  4. I have featured your post today at my link party. Please stop by and pick up your "I've been featured" button. Thanks.

  5. hello! I just "followed" you! I saw your blog at diybydesign.blogspot (Judy's blog) and I love your blog. I am a beachy sort of person too. Love the blue, the starfish, shells, white, scrubbed wood etc And what a view you have! Whoa!

  6. I've been having a look at your past posts and love all the gorgeous photos you have put up from around the Northern Beaches. The colours are so vibrant and vivid, it really is a glorious place. I'm enjoying looking at a fellow NB blogger - looking forward to seeing more.

  7. Very good...I hope can get home same as with your blog..
