Saturday, July 23, 2011

Simple and Elegant Blue and White

Hello dear readers
Just a quick bouquet du jour to say thanks to all 200 hundred of my followers, old and new and to all the lovely comments you send my way.  Your kindness is much appreciated and I am so thankful for you.

I think blogging has improved my marriage and my happiness in general and you guys are so much a part of that.  Call it therapy, call it an outlet, but I am having so much fun here and writing  it all down really helps.  And to have interaction with you, makes it even more enjoyable. 

And another thing, I am now trying for a year in France, instead of 4 months. The reason???  Blogging of course... I found a great new blog called  Design Mom.  This Mommy has moved herself, her husband and her kids (4 I think) to Normandy for a year and she has inspired me to go for a longer period.  I ran it by Mr Beach House last night and he just said '2014'. Woooaaa, what a result!!!! I used to be the girl that made things happen, but that all went on hold when the Beach House Brats came along.  2014 is a little too far away for me, but it's a start.  If he's open to a year, the possibilities are unlimited......  Anyone want to buy a boat building business??

And what do you think of these sweet little flowers, 'Early Cheer' I am reliably informed?  They are in high season here in Sydney and their perfume is lovely. It is wafting around the Beach House on this grey old Winters day. The little milk vase, I picked up recently at a garage sale.  In fact I got 4 of them for $2.  I'll have to get the milk shake maker out.

Thanks again for supporting my blog in all the ways you do.
Happy weekend All
Today I am linked up with


  1. i love "design mum" - only found the blog a few weeks ago. i think she has 5 kids - super woman indeed!!!!!
    it would be amazing to go on such an adventure. my eldest is now 15 - and heading into year 11 and 12 - so i think we've missed our chance. but you go and i can live vicareously thru you!!!
    it's great to have a dream to work towards. and it helps to send that wish out into the universe. make it happen!
    cheryl xox.

  2. pretty flowers with the blue and white. congrats on reaching 200.. i'm almost there ; )
    cheryl x

  3. What a dream and for a year! I hope you blog when you get there and photos, too.

  4. I love the flower/vase combo! Congrats on reaching 200! is your newest follower!

  5. Your little flowers are so sweet looking...are they similar to daffodils? The coral in the foreground of the picture is interesting too. Is is the same piece that is in your header? This week I have been making fake coral for a disply so I am "into" coral right now. Saw your post at SAS Interiors.

  6. Hi - visting from the hop (already a follower ;o)

    Love that coastal nook - lovely!
    Thanks for sharing - your taste is lovely!

    Happy Saturday -
    beachside cottage

  7. The best thing about winter in AUstralia for me are the gorgeous flowers you can get. Jonquils, daffodils, hyacinths, sweet peas just to name a few. They brighten up even the dullest and most miserable of days, and this is a perfect example. Brightened my day!

  8. Hi Carolyn
    I agree blogging is definately good therapy.
    A year in France is a must. We did 2 years in London and it was the best thing for our family - more good therapy!
    Enjoy the jonquils. My daughter thinks they stink and wants me to put them outside!
    Cheers from snny Brisbane
