Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pretty in Pink and a Little Blue

The Beach House Brats had a little tea party at the Beach House last weekend.  Of course we had to do boy cakes as well as girlie cakes to keep the troops happy.    This is just a quick little post for Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch, as today I am up to Pussy's Bow....working on content for Mr Beach Houses' website makeover.  I have interviewed him about his life in business since 1979.  Very enlightening to say the least.  Especially the bit about when his factory burnt down uninsured, 20 years ago.  He would have to be the most positive guy on the planet.  He picked himself up, dusted himself off and started all over again. And here we all are, still chipping away, with pretty little fairy cakes on the side of course. 


  1. I love the Beach House Brats tea party. What a cute idea. With cupcakes. Very adorable cupcakes.

  2. So sweet and cute...

    I'm seriously envious of their teapot and cups,
    so pretty ♥

  3. Such a pretty tea table! Every little girl on the planet would have loved to have been a guest!
