Wednesday, February 13, 2013

P&O Cruises A Fantastic Family Holiday

I don't know about you, but when I go on a holiday, there are certain things I require to actually make it feel like a holiday.  I'm not talking about those self catering holidays we all know and love, where for a mother it's same shizz different location. They can be great, but sometimes you want a complete break from reality.  To me a holiday where I have to cater and look after my kids' needs 24/7 is not the kind of holiday I was looking for this time. If we are talking about getting away from the madness that can constitute domestic life, which I think we are, I am talking about a holiday where I don't have to put together three meals a day.

Luke Mangan's Salt Grill
Where the kids are constantly entertained

Kids Line Dancing Party
Kids Club
where there are fabulously relaxing options for me

The Aqua Spa
 and there are also places were I can learn

A Cooking Demonstration by Head Chef Patrice Mick and Maitre D'Hotel Darren Cholerton
and see new things

Ship Kitchen Tour

Where there is a new show to see every night if you feel like turning up

where I could get physical at a dance class if I wanted to.

Dance Class
Or pump it out at the gym

And just do nothing if I felt like it

And so it was that we chose to try a Cruise for the first time. We decided to go with P&O.  I wanted to be cooked for, pampered and waited on hand and foot.  I wanted to be able to check my kids at the door and just take some time for myself.  Selfish????  Probably, but every mother knows what I am talking about.  Raising kiddos, working part time and keeping a household running, can be a tough and soul destroying gig at times.......So these days it is not a real holiday for me unless all of the above luxuries apply.  But what to do, I have champagne tastes on a beer income.  So we chose to try a cruise.  It seemed like value for money and it was. We booked it in a sale last September, which made it even more cost effective. I think they are having a Summer Sale right now.  We chose to travel outside of school holidays to bring the price down even more.  There were still plenty of kids on board for mine to hook up with.

We decided to travel south to New Zealand so as to avoid cyclones that often develop to the north of Australia at this time of year.  Unfortunately we were snookered and the remnants of cyclone Oswald, decided to be very unusual and travel south to NZ as well.

We chose a 10 day cruise, but the weather decided to muck us around big time.  P&O puts safety above convenience, which when we finally got out to sea, I was most grateful for.  Stay tuned for what happened next.  I have lots more to tell you and have decided to do it in instalments.

 I should also tell you that we paid our own passage on the cruise, but once I knew we were travelling, I decided to track down the media company who handles P&O and asked if they were interested in doing a deal with me to write about the cruise.  They said 'yes' and offered me some cabin credits and a complimentary dinner in Luke Mangan's Salt Grill.  As always, I shall be telling it exactly as it was, but I didn't have to pay for all my drinks and a few other things due to the cabin credits.

More on what happened on the cruise up next if you care to join me.  I think you will enjoy it.

Linking Today with


  1. OOhh a girl after my own heart. Since becoming a mom, we have done the vacation thing.. the pack up and go to a hotel at the beach.. where I still have to do the MOM thing. I /we would come home in a weird state of tiered and refreshed.I even gave Camping a try (never again!!)
    Once the boys were a bit older.. we went on our first cruise.OHMYGOSH!!! It was the best thing we had ever done. That was many years ago.. we now take one or two a year. We luv it! Nothing else compares.
    Cheers, Gee

  2. I can't wait to read more about your cruise. It has been my life-long dream to take a transatlantic cruise on the Cunard line - I haven't done it yet, but I have a major wedding anniversary this year (think "silver"), and I think a cruise would be just the way to celebrate an important milestone.

  3. Carolyn, sounds like you have had a great holiday! You also look absolutely fabulous so I can tell you have had a great holiday. Well deserved & lovely! looking forward to the next instalment. R x

  4. Great review of your cruise. I've been on one and my favorite part of the cruise was the spa treatments I had.

  5. Looking forward to hearing more of your cruise reviews.We are thinking of doing a cruise and think this would be good for me and my health not to have to worry about motels and planes and then looking after our boy means alone time for me and kev.So yes it will be interesting to see what you say about it all-love dee x

  6. Sounds like you had a great time Carolyn :) Look forward to reading more about it soon
    Cas x

  7. I love the way you bargain things,looking forward to more installments!AriadnefromGreece!

  8. Lucky you Carolyn, that sounds fabulous - mine kind of holiday!

  9. Hi Carolyn!!

    Sounds great to me. I remember going camping as a kid and seeing my mom work so hard and wondered, 'Moms on holiday and she is working twice as hard as she does at home.' This is no holiday for moms.

    I totally understand what you mean. I hope you had a great time and look forward to more pictures!!


  10. wow. looks like you had an amazing time! i've never heard of p and o, but we're going on a cruise around alaska this summer. seriously, i can't wait. bucket list, prepare to have something crossed off of you, lol.

  11. Hi there Carolyn, I knew I'd love reading your perspective and seeing your pix. Keep the info coming. And I love how you do your disclosure too, very casual and relaxed which reads SO much better than many.

    There is NOTHING like hearing about holidays from people you know and trust - it's the only way to really trust that somewhere will work for us.

  12. Hi Carolyn

    Just read your cruise blog and glad that you had a great holiday and it is always interesting to read personal experiences. I live in the UK and love cruising as I do not like flying, so our cruises have to start and finish in Southampton. If you want a relaxing stress free holiday, then to be honest nothing can beat them, and the most demanding thing you really have to do, is choose what you want to eat!!. I too have done reviews on a couple of cruises with P & O with my most recent being a Black Sea Cruise.

    Carry on cruising and look forward to reading more of your reviews

