Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chocolate, Orange and Macadamia Meringue Cake

Chocolate, Orange and Macadamia Meringue Cake

Having girlfriends over for lunch from school and university days, is a great excuse to break out the chocolate.  What was said over lunch stays there, but here's what we ate for dessert.
I have been wanting try out this lovely cake since seeing it on the Australian Macadamia Nut Society's website and yesterday was just the excuse I needed.

This recipe called for 5 eggs whites, which was fine, as I used the yolks in the main course, which was quiche.  

I am also getting a lot of use out of this vintage egg beater.  I must be one of the few bloggers who does not own a Kitchenaid. I would love to change that, but it is unlikely.

When I need to beat eggs, I start with my stick blender, a kitchen appliance which I think is about the most useful of them all. As the eggs start to take shape, I whip them into glossy peaks with a manual workout, using the egg beater.  My grandmother used one and if I could be half as good a baker as her, well then I would be brilliant.

When you are cooking with egg whites, you have to expect the cake to dip a little in the middle as it cools and the air escapes, but this cake only did that slightly. 

The orange, chocolate and nut combo was sublime and my girlfriends said they loved it.  They both read my blog, so I mentioned something about having a reputation to maintain after raving on here, about how much I love to cook.  Apparently their expectations were high.  It was a simple lunch, because that's how I cook, but I think they enjoyed my fare.

I love macadamia nuts. Being an Australian native, they are a sustainable and delicious option. I have them in salads daily.  I often have a handful of nuts around 3pm when my blood sugars drop.  They are high in protein, so a small handful will get you through until dinner time.  Mix them up with a small amount of sultanas and you have a sweet treat to have with your 3pm cuppa.

Chocolate, Orange and Macadamia Meringue Cake
1/4 cup plain flour
1 cup raw macadamia nuts
1 x 200g block milk cooking chocolate
5 egg whites
1 cup sugar
Grated zest of 1 orange
Plus a little more orange zest to garnish
Icing sugar and macadamia nuts to garnish
Cream, ice cream or yoghurt to serve

Preheat the oven to 170C
Line the base and lightly spray a spring form tin with olive oil.

Place flour, macadamia nuts and chocolate in a food processor and pulse to develop a course crumb.
Beat egg whites until soft peaks form.  
Spoon  the sugar into the egg whites in batches and beat again after each sugar addition.
Gently fold chocolate and nut mixture and the zest through the eggs.
Spoon the cake batter into the spring form tin.

Bake for 40 minutes.

Cool in the tin for 10 minutes before releasing and decanting onto a wire rack.

Use a knife to loosen the sides of the tin if required.

Dust with icing sugar and extra orange zest.

Serve with sweetened yoghurt, ice cream or cream

Adapted from an Australian Macadamia Nut Society recipe

This cake is completely delicious and not at all difficult.  It is incredibly moist too.

I've got loads of other easy and delicious baking and dessert recipes here, if you need some inspiration.

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Today I am linked up here
Wow Us Wednesday
Feathered Nest Friday
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Metamorphosis Monday
Foodie Friday


  1. I love macadamias, they are my favourite nut- just ate homemade granola with macadamias in it for breakfast!

  2. Marvellous post, the recipe looks great and I love the egg beaters. That was the type I used ALL the time as a child and young person, you get a workout which can only be a good thing. Stylish post and top idea for a dessert - clipping to Evernote.

  3. I love your old egg beater. My mother had one when I was growing up and she'd often call me into the kitchen to ask me to whip the cream. I loved it and there's no chance of developing tuck-shop arms with one of these in your drawer. What a yummy looking cake. I think the combination of orange, meringue, chocolate and of course the nuts would be awesome xx

  4. My gosh this looks so delish, I will have to give it a try, it not only looks perfect I can imagine is taste wonderful...I can't wait to make this cake, thanks for sharing...

  5. This looks amazing. Love to see adaptions of great recipes. Thanks for being an Australian native nut supporter!!

  6. You're not alone Carolyn. I too don't have a Kitchenaid or mixmaster of any kind. I have a manual beater (which the kids love using as well) plus an ancient KMart hand mixer. I still prefer to use my Nanna's wire whisk when baking. My Mum used to say Nanna's wire whisks sent shivers down her spine. Mum said she wished she'd had $1 for every time she'd used one to make a sponge cake. Could you imagine how much your arms would get a workout. No tuckshop lady arms in those days! LOL

    This cake is heavenly!

    Anne xx

  7. Ooh I havent had lunch yet so not only have you motivated me to want to make a cake... I feel like this one for lunch now. Such a gorgy bunch of ingredients, sounds delish. Rx

  8. This cake looks delicious! thanks for sharing :)

  9. Wow there's someone else out there?! Nice to know. No beaters for me either :D
