Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas at the Beach House So Far

So like you all, things are getting more frantic in the lead up to Christmas.  I think if you are a mum, you have an unadulterated right to just stop, take a deep breath and say, "Thank God for Me"  at this time of year.

I often wonder just how much of a Christmas my kids would have, if I kicked the bucket. We tend to turn ourselves inside out, making it all happen, no matter how early or organised we are.

The littlest Beach House Brat has been cracking the whip over us all, to get Christmasy and the following conversation ensued with her, over the weekend

Her:  Lets do something Christmassy
Me: Like What?
Her: Wrap Presents
Me: But the only presents I have, are the ones for you.
Her:  I promise to forget what they are straight away, after they are wrapped.
That's what you did mum, when we bought your birthday present.

 Mr Beach House does almost nothing, in relation to Christmas and just has to turn up on the day. But the littlest Beach House Brat did manage to mobilise him into action on the Christmas lights.  He describes our house this year, as 'solar Griswald'.  Which is a bit of a stretch, because some of last years solars have rusted under the house in storage and do not work.  But he, like all of us, is entitled to his fantasies.  Where would be without those hey?
Anyway he is happy to compete with the other blokes in the street over the size of his efforts.  A concept, which seems to extend to most parts of a man's life, don't you think?.

And now to the real joy of blogging. Unsolicited gifts and acknowledgement from dear readers, who actually appreciate my efforts, in this here corner of the world wide web. 

Motherhood can be a very lonely existence.  Blogging fills some of that hole for me and when someone is kind enough to take the time to send a beautiful handmade gift to my doorstep, well that is just what this life is all about.  Dee from The Old Fat Hen, who has her own health issues, was just so sweet and clearly knows about the true spirit of Christmas.  Thanks so much Dee, your kindness is so very much appreciated.  My little girl was particularly touched by your gift to her.

She is so into the whole season, that I look forward to the day I can hand the preparations over to her and just turn up myself.

Hope your Christmas season is travelling well Beach Dwellers.

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  1. your little ones are adorable ...and of course she'd forget the gift straightaway! ;)

  2. As always your Beach House Brats steal the show. They are adorable. I like the personalized touch on the ornaments.

  3. Thanks Carolyn for your nice words and thanks for all the smiles and recipes and letting us into your world -looking forward to 2014 in the Beach house-love dee x

  4. You are so right, we mums deserve a massive, massine round of applause... which we'll have to give to each other, frankly. Not much happening here really as we're off soon but I can report many pressies already wrapped and in a bag with cold weather clothes... even the stocking...w hich are in fact my Dad's old woolly kilt socks, just like me had as kids. Happy preparing, I'm sure you'll stay ahead of the game!

  5. We are living mirror lives, Caro. As I went out on my own yesterday and dragged home a 10-foot Christmas tree that weighed the amount of an elephant, set it in it's stand, watered it then untangled the lights and decorated the tree, I was wondering that if I kicked the bucket, would my family have any Christmas at all. My husband does nothing as well and I pointed this out to him at dinner however he said he had done something, he had hung the icicle lights around the front verandah (10 minute job). Meanwhile I was baking gifts for friends and family, icing our Christmas cake, putting the Christmas music on shuffle, organising the menu for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day etc, etc. I know your pain! Your home, despite being a one-man-band, is looking amazing xx
