Thursday, January 30, 2014

Easy Eton Mess Recipe

Easy Eton Mess Recipe

After the Australia Day Pavlova disaster, I thought I better share a recipe were I did make the meringue work for me.  It was bought meringue, which some of you suggested was the way to go with pavlova too. Thanks to the other contributors who emailed me recipes and offered up Donna Hay's Pav, as a fail safe way to proceed after my last post.  You girls are a great bunch.

Easy Eton Mess Recipe
serves 4
500g/ 3 cups frozen mixed berries
6 mini meringue nests (I used the 100g Coles 10 pack)
600ml /2.5 cups thickened cream (Must be full fat, so it can be whipped)
1 tspn vanilla essence
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 punnet fresh strawberries to serve

Place berries in a saucepan over a medium heat, stirring occasionally until berries have released their juices. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely.
In a large bowl combine cream, vanilla and sugar.  Beat until cream is whipped.
Place meringues in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin, until shards are no bigger than about 1cm/ 1/2 inch and smaller.
Sprinkle a small amount of meringue in the bottom of 4 serving glasses.
Top with a layer of berries and juices.
Top this with a layer of cream 
Repeat this process, ending with a layer of cream.
Reserve a little meringue to sprinkle on top of the strawberry garnish
Serve immediately.
We ate these on Christmas eve and they were delicious.

In other news, it's exciting times here at the Beach House this week.  This little one is off to her best start interview this afternoon.  For those who don't know, this is a great initiative to test kids entering school, in order to determine the skills set they arrive with, at their entry into formal education.  They are subsequently tested throughout primary and high school, at a national level, to assess the skills they have learned.  It's politically controversial, but as a parent and an ex teacher, I am all for it.

It's the end of an era for us, as I no longer have kids at home during the week.  So thank goodness for this blog and you guys, who are so kind to pop in here.  I appreciate you very much.

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Today I am linked up here


  1. Yummy. ~ Looks pretty too.


  2. Best of luck to L starting big school this year. You won't know what to do with yourself Carolyn!

    Anne xx

  3. Recipe looks yummy. I want to be at a nice warm beach right now.


  4. Hello, the start of school for the last child is a real change of life for us mums, a good one for me and I am sure for you too. She is ready! That photo of the two of you is absolutely gorgeous.

    By the way the Donna Hay recipe works really well for me, my kids love a pav, and I think they'd like the Eton Mess too... which reminds me that I must tell you a story or too about the Old Etonians I went to uni with.
