Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Australia Day

Wishing all my fellow Australians a fantastic day in the Great Outdoors, with family and friends.

I salute you and this fantastic place, we are so privileged to call home.  Although we have our problems, they are dwarfed by the seemingly endless positives, this nation provides us with.

We are so fortunate to live in the Lucky Country, with institutions we can trust by and large, inhabited by people who are friendly and very willing to help each other in times of crisis.  And what about the climate?  It may be 'changing', but either way, for my money, it is still fabulous.

If I could speak to my ancestors, I would thank them from the bottom of my heart, for having the foresight to settle in this magnificent country.

Happy Australia Day everybody. Go well!!!!


  1. Happy Australian Day! My parents had got a permit to emigrate to Australia back in the 60's but never used it! Oh how I wish they had!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Well said Carolyn. Happy Australia Day to you too!!

  3. Happy Australia Day! I hope you had a great time with your family and friends ... Im sure your Aussie shaped pavlova was a hit!!
