Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Camembert with Red Pepper (Capsicum) Chilli Jam and Toasted Walnuts

Camembert with Red Pepper (Capsicum) Chilli Jam and Toasted Walnuts

One of the show stoppers on our Christmas table last festive season, was this Camembert with Capsicum Chilli Jam and Toasted Walnuts.   I was asked to bring a cheese platter and saw it as a great opportunity to try out this recipe.  Originally sourced from the Avalon Food Cook Book, I'd heard it was fabulous.  I changed it a bit, as there wasn't enough vinegar in my pantry and I couldn't bear one more trip, than was absolutely necessary, to the supermarket considering Christmas crowds.  Despite my changes to the recipe, it was still completely delish and everyone oohed and arrred about it at our Christmas lunch.  It was the perfect way to end a beautiful meal.  The colours were right for the season and if you are looking for something a bit different to impress your guests, I can highly recommend this terrific recipe.

Camembert with Red Pepper (Capsicum) Chilli Jam and Toasted Walnuts 

1 large Camembert wheel
2 red peppers (capsicums) 
1 teaspoon garlic crushed
1 teaspoon ginger grated
1 teaspoon diced long red chill,  seeds removed (use a small chilli if you like it really spicy) 
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup water.
1/4 cup of walnuts roughly chopped
Something green to garnish.  I used rosemary sprigs

Place all the ingredients, except the Camembert, walnuts and rosemary in a saucepan, bring to the boil and reduce heat and simmer for approximately 1.5 hours, until the mixture thickens.

Pour into a sterilised jar and store in a cool place for up to 3 months, Refrigerate after opening and use within 6 weeks.

To serve, toast walnuts over a medium heat for several minutes, tossing occasionally, so they don't burn.
Place Camembert on a platter, pour jam over the cheese, top with toasted walnuts and rosemary sprigs.
Serve with crackers or thinly sliced baguettes.

Any enjoy

In other news, madam had a great start to her educational career this week.  She was put on painting detail, almost as soon as she had hung up her bag and hat.   I was dismissed by her lovely teacher, pronto.  That is obviously the system which works best.  There were no tears, just big smiles.

There were probably more tears at the champagne and tissues party, one of the kindy mums kindly had for us, in her gorgeous home.  With the early finish to school for 2 weeks, it was almost over before it had began and we a were all back down at school, eagerly awaiting a positive response from our charges, as they bounded out the door with their teachers closely guarding them, until they recognised a parent.

Mine declared that evening, she wanted to go back to school straight away and did not want to wait until morning.  Her father jokingly offered to drive her down there in her PJs and she was all ready to go, until he pulled the pin.  It was 7.30 pm.  This is a kid who has so far sailed through life.  I hope things stay that way, as she has been so confident with all the challenges life throws at her.  It's been lovely to have it that way, this time around.

If you follow on Facebook, you will know, I've been working on a beachy bedroom makeover.  The state of the bedroom was desperate Beach Dwellers and after a bit of foofing, she has come up rather well.  I hope to bring that to you, up next.

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  1. Do love a after dinner idea Carolyn - looks delicious! Bless your little one for enjoying School so much. Gus is doing great too but not so good at me leaving in the mornings. Why did they have to start the puzzle - read a book with them idea - I think he would have been better with the quick bye too. Anyhoo, hope your enjoying your new found freedom - am realising that it goes very quickly tho! xx

  2. we will be trying this cheese wheel so thanks also im glad your daughter had a great start to her school years-love dee x
