Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sleeping Luxe

This post is brought to you by Sealy Posturepedic Exquisite

Living a healthy lifestyle begins here in the bedroom, with just the right amount of sleep.  Yes that elusive joy, which one totally takes for granted, when they are riding high on the beautiful sleep wave of youth. If only I knew then, it would not always be that way.

It's not until the sleeping skill eludes us, we realise a good nights sleep underpins the health and success of pretty well everything we do.  A skill I seemed to have had in abundance, in my single days, pre kids.  In those days, although there was the odd heart break, or work disaster, which meant I tossed and turned all night,  a good nights sleep generally came easily to me and I assumed it would always be so.  

Since my lovely little bundles of joy arrived, not only do I find it harder to sleep, but I have also lost the art of sleeping in.  These days, whilst they slumber well past 7am, I am wide eyed and ready to start the day at 5.30am, but not always feeling refreshed.

Considering a good nights sleep is vital to both our physical and emotional health, I take a few simple measures to assist me to relax, drift off and stay asleep.  Believe me, I take my sleep very seriously these days. I seem to grow horns, when I don't get enough.

I always find I am able to sleep better with a bit of luxury.  Clean fluffy sheets, a snugly comfortable bed  and a partner who does not snore, are all prerequisites for a good night sleep for me.

One of Mr Beach House's saving graces in the bedroom is, he rarely snores.  Unbelievable I know, but he really doesn't.  Sadly, I have to report that apparently, I do.  How do I know this?  Because he keeps telling me off course.  If only it wasn't by way of  a gentle elbow in the ribs from him, in the wee small hours, to inform me of the fact.  Alas, I know he is right, because I have also woken myself up on occasion, with a loud snort.  I like to think it was him, but he says not.  

So annoying when I am dreaming of something fabulous, but that is for another post.

Further to those essential elements nurturing sleep, I cannot discount the importance of a good quality mattress, as part of the mix. It's without doubt, an essential detail in helping to foster a rejuvenating night of quality zeds. If you've ever slept on an uncomfortable mattress, hello university share house, then you will know precisely what I mean.

I like my mattress soft and snugly, others like it firm.  Happily, Mr Beach House and I are on the same page, in this respect at least. One in five, is something to be celebrated, don't you think?.

The Sealy Posturepedic Exquisite is specially designed to bring a little luxury to your life, allowing you to relax and recover with its Rest coil system.  Rest Coil is a truly responsive support technology, helping to cradle each part of your body, whilst you sleep.  Sounds lovely doesn't it?

  I am not saying that you will never have to count sheep again with Sealy Posturepedic Exquisite.  God knows, we mothers can never be guaranteed of that, but if you are in the market for a luxurious mattress, to restore and relax a tired body, the exclusively designed and made in Australia Sealy Posturepedic Exquisite  is something to consider.  It is not just the default position in a mattress, but may just be, a priceless investment in achieving a restful slumber.  Something we all seek, with such devotion.

Sleep well Beach Dwellers.

Today I am linked up here


  1. Well, it's lucky we're not sharing a bed as I love a very firm mattress myself. Last time we needed one, a couple of years ago, we tried out a few and ended up spending a rather eye-watering amount which we've never regretted for a moment. I love, love, love my bed and in fact will be popping off there in a minute. I do agree that the sense of luxury does ease sleep, lovely sheets and plump pillows - several of ours have fainted and need to be replaced, not to file.

    Sweet dreams!

    1. Nothing like resting in a bit of luxury.

  2. I think I am sleeping on a Sealy. I always sleep well on it.

    1. Good to hear. I think you only appreciate a good nights sleep when you have experienced too much of the alternative. It can drive you nuts.

  3. That decor screams "beachy". I do have some trouble with the hubby sometimes when shopping for a mattress, but we usually come to a comfortable compromise.

  4. Loving that gorgeous circular pillow. The colour is stunning!

  5. Oh Carolyn, I'm laughing at the picture of you happily snoring away! John snores, but luckily he works night shift, so I only have to put up with it on the weekends.
    We just bought a new mattress and I'm in love!
    Your top photo is what a gorgeous bedroom looks like to me x

  6. The older I get the more sleep seems to elude me. I have to have everything in order for a good night's sleep like a darkened room, a tidy room, a comfortable mattress, sheets with a good thread count and no polyester, and a bed that's been well made - I can't climb into an unmade bed. Your bedroom looks inviting and gorgeous xx

  7. I'm in that place with young kids but they both sleep through the night. My problem at the moment is being 30 weeks pregnant and not being able to find a good position to sleep in or insomnia. I was hoping my sleep would get better as I got older but maybe it won't?

  8. Those bedrooms are beautiful. I would love to have spaces like that in my home. Maybe it would help me sleep better? How do you get your kids to sleep past 7?!?!?! My son is a 5:30 person more often than not, with the occasional sleep in until 6:30! -Aroha (for #teamIBOT)

  9. We are at the point of needing a new mattress. I do love shopping for them. It's the only kind of shopping you can do where you get to lie down a lot :)
