Sunday, August 31, 2014

London Day 1

So we made it.  Twenty four hours in a plane is akin to torture, but it is so worth it.  Here is a pictorial essay of Day 1 London.  We arrived in the city at 8am and could not get into our room until 11am.  That was tricky, but we did it.  Our room is in Drury Lane Covent Garden at the budget end of the scale, but what a fabulous location it is.  Great bars, restaurants, shops, theatres and oh the atmosphere.....It's positively buzzing.  I will bring you a whole post on Covent Garden and it sure is the place to be.

We thought a river cruise would be best on our first day as we could just sit and drink it all in.  This cruise is included in our London Pass, Another full post on that soon, as it's great value.

Big Ben

The London Eye

Tower Bridge and The Belfast 

A London Bus. Two icons in one

Drury Lane There are loads of dance shops in the Thearte District where we are.

The Shard, London's newest icon.  The latest penthouse sale was 60 million pounds.  Don't be sad if you missed out.  There is a one bedroom apartment for sale for 30 million pounds.

The Gerrkin

Borris Johnson's new digs.  City Hall, affectionately known as the bike helmet.

The Thames

Battle of Britain memorial is fabulous

I love that the women are a big part of the memorial.

Tower of London

City Cruises.  Someone was really feeling it and pretty much missed the lot.

Covent Garden rocks

This will be us tonight after a bit of sleep.

Can't wait to bring you more.

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  1. How fantastic, loving the journey, looks overcast. Wishing it was me, stay safe xx

  2. What an amazing experience for the kids to be taken around the sights of London, all the famous landmarks to see and venture around. I hope you have a wonderful holiday xx

  3. Love the photos, I am sure you will be experiencing the fabulous foods as well. Have a wonderful holiday ! Lisa @Sweet Tea N' Salty Air
