Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Desire Empire Road Tripping

Hi Beach Dwellers

Happy New Year.

Just checking in from our road trip with a couple of pretty shots from the Victorian High Country.  I have lots to share when we are back.

Currently in Port Lincoln South Australia sailing in the Heron National Championships and trying to sell boats.  Combining business and pleasure is a great way to travel   Nothing to do here  but sail and fish.  Just chillaxing before 2016 proper starts for us.

I have seen much of the South of this wonderful country that I have never seen before.  What a thrill that has been.  Australia really is a beautiful sunburnt country.  So diverse and welcoming.

Loved Adelaide, boy has it come on in the last 30 years since I've been there.

Lots to say when I get back. I hope 2016 is travelling well for you so far.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying your road trip. It is a great way to see the country. I love Adelaide too but just for a visit. Its way too hot in summer.
