Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Shopping in London

So today was shopping in London. I loved the series Mr Selfridge, so started there. The trouble with me and shopping, is that I am more interested in the architecture of the buildings than the merchandise. The clothes here in London are magnificent and my gold star goes to
the brand Mui Mui, with Victoria Beckham a very close second. Now there's a girl who can put an outfit together. When I run my hands across this stuff, I always wish for three things. One, that I was independently wealthy, two that I was 3 sizes smaller and three that I had somewhere to wear all this gorgeousness.

One of the many things I do love about London is that you  see so many people rocking this stuff and really taking the time to look good. Men do their hair properly with brill cream and girls get their hair together on a regular basis too. The outfit and shoes then complete the story. Let's just say there are lots of head turners walking the streets here.

Today we also spent a lot of time in toy stores. Layne had 20 pounds she was given by grandma burning a hole in her pocket and she was busting to get back to Hamley's to spend it on some overpriced crap that they market so well there. It is such a fun experience for kids.  She ended up buying a magic trick, which suits her outgoing personality. Many a career in magic has started in just this way, I am sure. Every time the hawker called for volunteers, Layne was there, front and centre. The magician mesmerised her and she was sold.

Carnaby street is always a thrill too, but again for me it's about the history of the place rather than the cute bespoke boutiques lining the street. I just love the vibe of the place. It's a good place for lunch too.

BTW I am kidding myself about being over jet lag. Still waking at 3.30 am and crashing out at 8.30pm. It is hindering our nightlife somewhat, particularly when we are residing in The West End and are surrounded by so many theatres bearing names such as Motown and The Bodyguard. It's a wonder they can all make a buck, there are so many of them. Maybe a Saturday matinee will have to do. We might try Matilda.

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