Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beach House Blue

I am loving Beach House Blue at my house today.  The weather is balmy.  There is not a cloud in the sky and the light is as bright as a spaghetti western at high noon, here on the beaches in Sydney. 

A stunning Autumnal day, that is so much more tolerable than the Summer humidity of February.

The Beach House Brats are at their respective schools and kindys.  So today,which is actually, International Women's  Day has been renamed, 'Kiddo Free, Tidy Up Tuesday' by me. My idea of a great women's day, is to do absolutely as I wish, without kiddo interruption. Yippee.  After a vigourous 'tidy up' work out this morning, I whipped around with the camera to make good use of the stunning light. 

The photos came out well, so let me introduce you to the fourth bedroom here at Beach House Central.  It has recently been converted into a media room, come play room, come study.  The space in this cottage is constantly required to double, even quadruple up on different functions.

I can only reveal two sides of the room today.  Opposite the couch, is a lovely old cupboard, which I intend painting white in the near future.  It's bursting with kiddo stuff at the moment, so photographing that part of the room, would not be in the spirit of my kiddo free day.

I seem to have a map thing in lemon and blue, going on in the corner over there.  Note to self: Remind Mr Beach House to bring his drill home from work.

After studying these shots, I think I need some more art work on the wall above the couch.  This house is always a work in progress, so I'll have to shop the shed to see what I can find in blue.

The couch is a sofa bed.  I guess this room's fourth function is the guest room.

I love that driftwood star.

Now, as we swing around to the adjacent wall we get the study part of the room.

This is a built in unit, that the oh so talented local builder, 'Shoulders' put together from my design. It is very compact with filing cabinets separated at the bottom.  I'm not keen on the clunky nature of the four filing draws, stacked in the generic models I have had in the past. 

 I can display art work, books and object d'art in the cubes above.  This little beauty is a space saver that covers all our study needs. 

I couldn't resist a splash of red and orange as well.

And as you can see, I have found a home for that cute little vintage toy cash register I bought on Saturday at Lisa's Garage Sale.

Well blue and white lovers, until tomorrow then.

Yours in blue and white happiness

O' Love
Carolyn xxxx
Thanks for all the lovely comments. They are all very precious.  I am having trouble leaving comments, so apologies for not returning the favour. I'll keep trying.

PS. Thanks to Judy for featuring me today over at DIY by Design. So welcoming and kind of her.

I am also linked to her Swing into Spring party, so why don't you go on over and see what you find. Just click on her button here.

I'm also linked at


Show and tell Green
So have a look here for some inspiration
and at

Kirsty Girl
White Wednesdays at
Refreshing our rooms party


For some great ideas.


  1. Blue is definitely my favorite color. Love the views of the room you shared :-)

  2. Love the mix of old and new on your built in unit!

  3. What a stunning coastline.. Your house is lovely, love the contrast of the blue and touches of wood x

  4. What a lovely shot of Sydney. I love Sydney and have been there many imes :-) Your home is gorgeous. Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas

  5. Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! Totally my style! Love the boats, beaches, globe, map and especially tht gorgeous little green bottle! That sea blue/green is the Perfect colour! You have such a stunning home!

  6. So happy to have found your blog from Jennifer Rizzo's link up. I love your decor style. That is indeed a functional and attractive room. I love blue and white, and how appropriate with your gorgeous location. Pretty pillows, bottles, oh so many lovely pieces! I'm becoming a follower and I'm going to read back through your posts.

  7. Love this casual style room and thanks for joining WUW.

  8. So pretty and fresh! It looks like a really nice place to be with a book and a cup of coffee.

  9. Your room (and blog) are delightful. Thank you for the wonderful tour of your sweet cottage.

    I'm a new follower dropping by from BC Good Life Wednesday. Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  10. that is so pure and organised.. I love the wooden star and blue is definitely my favorite color and you have melted it so well in the room..
    I love all your decorative aspects and choice..
    Nice blog and I'm glad you found me.. :)
    I think we should keep in touch

  11. I want to live at Beach House Central!! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous home. I love the clean fresh lines and nautical bent. How could you not have a nautical theme living where you live. Lucky you. You have made me miss the Northern Beaches.
    So fresh!
