Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr Beach House Has a Girlfriend

Mr Beach House has an old girlfriend in his life.  She has been around since he was about six years old.     You could call her 'the girl next door', because I think he lived about six doors up from her, when he was a kid.  That's his old house you can just make out, with the dark roof truss in the background.

As you can see, they both lived on the waterfront.  I believe they spent alot of time mucking around together, in this little part of Bayview.

Her name was Jennifer, but I think she has changed it to Gweneth. She pops up most weekends in Summer.  This Wednesday they are even meeting at twilight .  She's around for some weekends in Winter too.  He wants to visit her in San Francisco, with some mates, this year in June.  His passport need renewing, so lets see if that happens.

Oh..... and I forgot she makes great coffee too.  I know, I've tried it. He also tells me he had his first passionate kiss, just inside that glass door.

Lately, he has introduced her to our kids as well, so the Beach House Brats are falling for her too.  What am I to do?  I think I still love him, but I now think it's time to start my own love affair.

I want to get me some of that passion.  That heady feeling one gets with a new boyfriend on the scene.  Something that keeps me awake at night.  Someone I can go to when I need some lovin'.  Well my darlings, I think I've found him.  Revenge so is sweet. He is sharp, colourful and oh so pretty.  He sends me emails when he loves me and is silent with just one touch from me. You guessed it, you are reading him right now.

I am loving this blog.  I have got more lovin' out of him since it started 7 days ago, than I have had in 5 years from Mr Beach House.  Sorry darling if you are reading this (unlikely, as you are probably sailing), but it has to be said. I know that you feel the same way about your girlfriend,

I don't know how long this thing will last.  Maybe it will be like all the others. Starting with a bang and ending with a fizz.  One thing is for sure, like all great new romances, it's exhausting. But, for now anyway, come along and follow me for some Beach House good lovin'. 

Well until tomorrow then,
 Yours in new boyfriend happiness

Lots O' Love


  1. What a cute post. You will see, your blog can take on a life of it's own. Thanks so much for linking up to my Swing into Spring party.

  2. Thank you so much for commenting Carolyn! Your blog is absolutely stunning! One of the best I've seen for sure! I love it.
    It will definitely grow big in no time, of that I'm certain!
    Congratulations on starting it up!

  3. Your blog is lovely, so professional for just beginning. Way to go!

  4. Hi Carolyn! I came over from Kirsty. I am in love with your pictures! I am sooo ready for the sun and warm weather! wish you all the best for your blog, welcome to the bloggy world! If you need any advice, you can always contact me;-)
    A g'day (thats how they saiy it in australia, right?)

    Sibylle (http://fun.kyti.me)

  5. This is so cute! I love these kinds of posts as I am sure Mr Beach House does too! ;) His girlfriend is very pretty though. :)

  6. so cute! When my husband bought his second boat many years ago he asked me to name her. She is named "The Other Woman"

  7. so cute! When my husband bought his second boat many years ago he asked me to name her. She is named "The Other Woman"
