Monday, May 23, 2011

Beach House White Treatment

We had one of these family dos on the weekend.  How nice it was to celebrate them all together.  All the cousins have a great time and I love to watch them, as I am an only child of only children, so never had this type of familial interaction that they seem to love so much.   Mr Beach House comes from a huge family that more than makes up for the lack of numbers on my line.  Family matters aside, I still did manage to start and finish a little project, that had been gnawing away at my side for some time.
If you have been following along, you will know, my ability to start and finish projects in a reasonable time frame seems limited.  There are people out there that constantly have the white paint out and seem to paint anything that doesn't move, and beautifully too.  I am afraid to say I am a little more slap dash.
I would love to have those energy levels but I find it all a little daunting.  But last weekend I gave this little meat safe the Beach House White Treatment.  I have done it before in my media room here and my master bedroom here if you wanna read about it.  But regulars will know it doesn't happen often.
This piece has been with me for years.  I was actually on a family holiday with my parents when I bought this, that's how long ago it was.  It's all coming back to me now.  I had just come through a long term relationship and was basically heart broken, even though that time, I was the dumper.  He was one of those boyfriends that I was mad about but I knew deep down he was not for me.  In hindsight, I thank God that I didn't marry him. 
Mum and dad were going down the South Coast for a short break and they very sweetly asked me to come along.  I remember we even had our dog with us.  So as you can imagine the car was up to pussy's bow.  My dad said no way was I bringing the meat safe back to Sydney, but in my determined kind of way I talked him around.  I seem to remember it lay across the back seat and I had to slip my legs in between its legs.  It was three hours of driving hell, but we made it and I really must have wanted it.
I was flatting in a little studio in the inner city at the time and this piece was bought to go in the hallway of that tiny little place. All the furniture back then had to double as storage, as the place was so tiny. The bed even folded up into the wall.
Well the boyfriend is long forgotten. But just as an side, I do remember seeing him at a party three weeks after I had had Beach House Brat number one.  You know how it is..... you've just had a Caesar and you have a baby hanging from your shoulders in a baby born harness, cause you think you can go on as you did before the babe arrived.  The ex boyfriend spent the whole night telling me how successful he was. Implying that I was stupid to have let him go.  He was recently married at the time and told me they would not have kids.  Lets just say that I thought to myself that night...yes it's probably best for the species, that you don't breed.  I promise you I am over that one and I would never think of him as the one that got away.
Anyway, back to the Beach House white treatment.  I really had to reorganise this meat safe.  It sits in the corner of my dining room and is used for storage of napkin rings, napkins, a cruet set, sushi plates and
everyday stuff. And it was in a real mess.

I do believe that less is more and I think it really was the case with this makeover.
The top of the meat safe also got a little of the Desire Empire styling treatment.  I purchased this lovely embossed wooden frame a the local charity store for $1 last week.
I did my usual and harnessed the enthusiasm of the Beach House Brats, but only one of them this time.  The other one rang on the way home from soccer and was annoyed that he had missed out.  I reassured him that it would be waiting here for him to apply the second coat.  But when he got home he wasn't really interested. So my darling girl can take most of the credit this time.
I was not unhappy that there was only one BHB on the job, as gee these things can get messy when you have 2 kiddos wafting paint around and slapping it on, hither and thither.  The mess and all the hassle was well worth it though, as I love my new piece of art.  I already had some hanging shells, which I tacked to the top of the back of the frame and I think the result is great.  I would like to sell this kind of thing at the markets.  But you know me and projects.  They don't go together well.

 And the inside of the meat safe is now so organised, that I can find what I want easily.  I have been catching myself over the weekend sitting at my dining table and just staring at my new white baby.

Well that's it from the Beach House today folks.  I am swanning around in new organised happiness.  At least in that little corner of the house anyway.  I hope you all have an ab fab week.
Best Carolyn
Today I am linked up at

Between Naps On The Porch

PhotobucketPhotobucketTuesday To Do PartyHOGPhotobucketPhotobucketThrilling Thursday at Paisley PassionsBlue Creek Homevif187Furniture Feature FridaysUndertheTableandDreamingPhotobucket


  1. I'm the same with projects I start with great enthusiasm and then its put in the shed and forgotten :)...Great makeover Carolyn, great combination of shells silver and white x

  2. Oh I adore whites,
    I'm loving your shells...
    and the framed hanging shells looks really nice ♥

  3. Awesome post Mrs. BH. Love the shells. Nice touch with the frame. Want the silver starfish napkin holders.

  4. Looks beautiful!! I know what you mean about finishing projects...I have a problem with that myself LOL! Found you at Homemaker On A Dime!

  5. This turned out beautiful! I love the frame and shells.

  6. Very sweet and funny post, Carolyn! I think you are totally better off without the old boyfriend...things look amazingly more simple in retrospect. The good thing is you found an bought the chest and now it is lovelier. Great job! :-)


  7. Just love the whole look, but the shells hanging in the frame is brilliant! I'm going to have to give that a go, I know I have a "few" shells around here looking for something to do!

  8. Looks great, the white really lifts it!

  9. The hanging shells are just gorgeous, better even than the tassels I featured!

  10. It turned out beautiful and I love the frame!! Your little one is so cute painting the frame, she did a great job. :) Love the shells and all your treasures and what a great story behind the chest. :)

  11. I love love love the white cabinet it looks wonderful!

  12. Lovely white! Bright and beautiful! Stunning beach house pictures!:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)


  13. the cupboard looks great white! sounds like the kids like getting into it too.
    cheryl x

  14. WOW that is gorgeous! posts like this make me want to tidy up and beachify it a little more. Love the hanging shells. How is that Nigella book? I just adore her style.

  15. hi Carolyn, that is the cutest ever little cupboard. I can't tell from the photos whether you detached the door or if it is just propped open. But the door with the little latch is so adorable! I wonder if you made that swag of seashells? Nice touch for your painted frame for certain. The whole ensemble is pleasing - you have a wonderful flair for arrangements :)

  16. The cabinet looks fab white and the whole vignette is adorable!!

  17. Love it. Such fabulous pieces and all of your accessories are just wonderful. I love it all. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  18. What a great story about how you got the meat safe. Old boyfriends - so happy none of mine worked out cause I've been married to my hubby for 28 years!

    Any ways, I love the re-done cabinet in white. It looks fabulous and the white frame/artwork was a great idea. :O)

    Hope you're having a good week.

  19. Great makeover! Looks much better white!

  20. Wow! it's amazing what a difference the white paint made in your decor. I'm a new follower.

  21. had to come over and see the beach stuff. love the sand and surf myself. I need to do some kind of art with a couple sand dollars my mom collected long ago in FL. nice of you of let the little ones be creative too.
    Im going to post some art work of a friend that I am working on with her . one piece is a beach chef serving martinis. you have to see it.

  22. love your cabinet, the white looks awesome!

  23. I loved reading the boyfriend story and how you came to own this little cabinet. It looks beautiful in it's new white coat and the string of shells looks so pretty!! Thanks for sharing it at Treasure Hunt Thursday.

  24. LOVE it! Love your home too! Beautiful!

  25. Carolyn, The white looks so fresh and fabulous. I love the empty frame and the hanging shells - so pretty! Thank you so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I featured this on Sunday! Hope you have a lovely week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  26. What a great fresh look and perfect for the summer season. Love the shells. Thanks for sharing at the party.

  27. Funny came out ahead! And very nice shell vignette!

  28. There are people out there that constantly have the white paint out and seem to paint anything that doesn't move, and beautifully too. I am afraid to say I am a little more slap dash.
