Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Market in the South of France

Well Hi All
Lots going down at the Beach House this week, so I've been off the boil in terms of blogging, but let me say I have been running round like a mad women on other issues.  Firstly, we are getting our roof re done and yes it's raining here in Sydney town.  There are also gale force warnings out too, so work has stopped, but we only have half a roof.  So the obvious has happened, we have had some major leaks over night that have caused minor damage.  I mean the roof was being replaced to stop damage not bloomin' create it.  I am writing this with only one eye open as I stressed out all night whilst Mr Beach House slept through the whole thing as usual.

He is all very relaxed about it, but can I say, with my 'A" type personality I am not. After several very blunt conversations with the builder this morning they are out here trying to fix it, but who knows. I knew I shouldn't have walked under that ladder they left leaning against the wall. Seven years bad luck...who needs it. I'll let you know how it pans out, but at the moment I feel like I'd rather be in the south of France. I love to eat great food too, so today I am going to the markets of the South of France in my dreams. These shots are of the market in the beautiful town we stayed in several years ago. It was called Buis les Baronnies and was located in Haute Provence. That is the mountains of Provence.

The produce is outstanding and so fresh.  This was a crazy day, as the night before my mother had rung from Australia and said she would like us to go out to a beautiful restaurant, on her, to celebrate in honour of my father's birthday.  There was a guest book in the house we were staying in and many of the previous guests had recommeded a particular restuarant, so of course we were convinced.  The meal was amazing but unfortunately Mr Beach House got food poisoning the next day. He was confined to bed for the whole day poor thing.

After runnning around getting him some medication for both ends.  The Beach House Brat and I set off to the local market.  Lets just say we ate very well that night again and I remember I took some of this paella home for lunch as well.

The market also offered products other than food and what really caught my eye was this huntsmans' truck.

You can see up the top there, he is selling all types of knives and guns.  The Beach House Brat was beside himself with excitement when we came across this huge truck with its side hoisted up.  I on the other hand, couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I know it's a hallowed part of French culture to hunt, but I had never seen anything like it.  There is no way the law would let this guy sell stuff off the back of a truck like that here in OZ.  It was confronting, that's all, but no doubt completely normal for the French.

The peak you can see in this  photo is known as Rocher St Julien and is a popular rock climbing spot.  A view of this rock can be seen from almost any part of Buis. 
This was the view of it from the upper floor of our house. 
I even love the roof tops in France and waking up to this view each morning is what life is all about......enjoying yourself.  We farewelled a beautiful man yesterday who was taken from us all too soon.  He was the type of guy who made every minute count.  His lovely wife and young kids cannot contemplate a future without him and the whole thing has been heartbreaking.  We will miss you and your lovely smile so much Mick. 

So if I have learned  anything at all this week it's...' Make it Count'  A trip to France, or what ever  it is that floats your boat, you have to try to make it happen.  And don't sweat the small stuff.  So what if the roof is falling in...... cause I'm havin' a great time talking to you gorgeous gals.
Why is France my go to place when I want to escape??? Well everything about that most civilised of nations moves me beyond measure. Above is the little town of Buis which we came to love. Our house was in the centre of town right near the church steeple in the centre of the shot.  Its bell rang at 5pm each afternoon to let the people know their working day had ended.  You know what I love best about the French, their ability to see beauty in everything and mostly to make everything beautiful. Well I feel a little better after my French dream and the rain seems to be abating a little.  At least I don't seem to have a waterfall in the middle of my kitchen anymore. Things are looking up.
Catch ya' soon
Best Carolyn
PS. At the moment Blogger will not let me sign in to leave a comment on anyones' posts.  It doesn't mean I haven't been looking though.  I'm not trying to fix it, as Blogger always seems to come good eventually.  But I did want to say thanks for all your comments to me, they are all so very much appreciated.
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  1. You have me laughing out loud again And appreciating your beautiful photos of France. Thanks again for a very entertaining post.

  2. Love, love the gorgeous photos. I am following. Found you at All Things Inspired.

  3. Love, love the market. If something like that was near where I live, I would probably be there every few days.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. They may be as close to France as I'll get for a few more years. Seems like every time we plan for this trip, something goes haywire...

  5. Like JANE..this is as close as I will ever get to France. Thanks for all the wonderful photos...:)

  6. Beautiful photos. France is on my dream list! Thanks for linking to my Share the Love link party!

  7. Beautiful photos Carolyn its somewhere I hope to go to one day and visit the flea markets... I've been having the same problem with blogger and was told to sign out and before signing back in again untick the box 'stay sign in' .. this worked for me x

  8. Hi Carolyn, I loved the markets in France! Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos at my party. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend and I hope you have your roof repaired by now. Take care.

  9. Beautiful Post. Thanks so much.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
