Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Idea of White

Normally when I am writing a post I have a certain idea of what I'm going to say before I take the photos.  I usually up load them all in one hit and then just start writing.  I rarely have writers block. I think it comes from my teaching days, when sometimes the best lessons were prepared on the walk from the staff room to the classroom.  I mean you have the basic lesson plan in your head, but it really comes together once you are on your feet in front of an audience.
This post is different however, as it has moved from one theme to another and as I write this I still have no idea where it's going.  This morning I started stripping a small table I bought at a garage sale years ago.  Mr Beach House queried with his usual,  "Is that new?"  Luckily, I was able to honestly answer in the negative. 

 I had intentions of painting the table white, as a little addition to the Beach House Brat's girly  bedroom make over, I am currently undertaking.  She is borderline moving from cot to bed, but I love the fact that once she is in the cot, she actually stays there.  When we go into that phase where she has some control over whether she stays in bed or not, I know I am in for that horrible time when kids realise they can get out whenever they want and quite frankly my head is not ready for that battle, just yet.
So yep, this post was going to be about the restoration and styling of a little table for a  girl's bedroom.
But once I started stripping the table I discovered a lovely walnut inlaid flower motif.  The shape suggests it is a deco table and although I am loving white, especially after the wedding of the century last Friday, it is almost too pretty to cover up.  I probably will end up painting it white, but I now need to consider my position. For the time being, it is happily ensconced in my living room, between two arm chairs and as I have lime washed wood there, I think its non white patina looks pretty good.  Although the room is becoming a little crowded.
So as you can see it is not styled yet, but as everything is a work in progress around here,  it won't take long.
So, with the little white table post on hold, we move onto another subject dear to my heart and that is France.  I'm very keen to go back there as soon as possible.  I would love to live there, put the kids into school and swan around all day just taking it in.  I figure I have 3-4 years to achieve this goal, as number one Beach House Brat will enter high school there after, making my dream become a little harder to achieve.  So finally I can tell you what my post is really about and that is my absolute love and adoration for that most civilized of nations France. 
I took this shot whilst returning last night's video, called 'French Films', of course. 
Then I came home and started playing with my coffee table and this is what happened.  
All the whites are junk yard finds.  I think the mirror as an underlay for the vase, is sweet, as it reflects light and makes the flowers look rather voluminous when I look down on them.

I have recently discovered and have been stocking up on all the titles that are double the price here in Australia.

You've seen the pineapple before here, but I love her very much so she made it into the shoot again.

Well after a slow start, I made it this far....hope you did too.  That's it from the Beach House today.  I just noticed I have now posted 50 times.  Who would have thought.  After today's little false start though, it seems I seriously need some new material.  There's lots to be done around here in a makeover sense, but I feel the urgency to actually complete something now.  From where I'm standing the next 50 posts look a bit tenuous.  So lets see!!!! Have a great week everyone.
Best Carolyn
Today I am linked to
Boogieboard CottageUndertheTableandDreamingBetween Naps On The PorchHomemaker In HeelsThe House in the RosesDittle Dattle
Tuesday To Do FEatured
PhotobucketFurniture Feature FridaysSongbird


  1. That little table has come up a treat but I can see it painted white and looking great too, thats always a hard decision to make; to paint or not. Your little french arrangment is lovely x

  2. Could the table be white with the wood of the flower showing? It is very cute.
    Maybe the little one will not be such a rebel. After my first child, who fought everything, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not all children have to act out their rebellious thoughts.

  3. I love the little table! Thank you for sharing it on Masterpiece Monday. Have a great week! Mary :O)

  4. I love these photos. You have a way with flowers. And a mind for beautiful details.

  5. Have you thought about painting it white, yet using the flower design by painting that part another color? I don't know if that would work with what else you are doing in the room, but I'd hate to hide the main feature if I didn't have to.

    Love your white pitcher and flowers!

  6. For not having a clue what to write about, you did a fine job! The little table is delightful and I just love your room the way it is. Your whites are gorgeous, Carolyn. I love to use mirrors under flowers and such too. Are the flowers from your garden?

  7. Love your whites! Very soothing.


  8. ooo, la, la Carolyn! Pretty whites!
    xo Cathy

  9. Oh, the table is adorable. All the white is beautiful. Love the vignette. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  10. looks like you have quite the selection of books there Carolyn! Your taste varies a lot. :P hehe it's my taste too! French whites are THEE best!
    I'm loving that bike and the little table!

  11. Very pretty - I love the mirror!

  12. Beautiful photographs! Love the little end table...what a decision to make?!? Would love for you to drop by the Tuesday To Do party and share it!

  13. Love your whites and the little table.

  14. Love the vignette, and the little table. It looks great as is.

  15. Great Post, are those Snap Dragons? Lovin that little table too~

  16. This is a beautiful table to transform! I love detail and the curved legs. I think it will look wonderful painted any shade you choose!

    I love your vignette...I have a little pitcher like yours and it has a habit of popping up in a lot of photos! Pretty flowers!

    I can SO identify with you on how you write your blog. I upload my photos and then just run with it {sometimes off track!!}. We sound just alike!

    Hope you are having a great week. I am a new follower!


  17. Your coffee table looks awesome. And I love that sweet little table as is too. How great to find that amazing inlay!

  18. Love the table shape. Maybe paint the legs a creamy color that matches light sofa stripe and the light color in the current table top and then just scotts liquid gold the top to add sheen and bring out the various wood tones. Please consider adding this to the suggestion box.

  19. I can't believe that all the whites are junkyard finds! You did a great job :) Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

  20. Beautiful home! I will have to read more of this lovely blog! Come by & sign up for my continual giveaway...this week a $100 giveaway! And a few of my recent posts about furniture and bird cages...and a hilarious story about me! ;) Meme

  21. Your living room looks so nice, light and airy.
    And what a great discovery to find that inlay in the table.

    I finally found a quiet morning to visit everybody again and actually leave a comment this time.
    Thank you again for playing in my We Love White linky party!

  22. I loved this idea: the mirror under the vase, also easted putting de miror ont he wall put it on the table...CĂ©lia martins
