Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ladder Love - Meet My New Best Friend

Hello gorgeous ones. How ya doing?  Hope all's well  at your end.  Over here at the Beach House there has been a very exciting development.  I have a new best friend.  Sorry Lib, Jules Les, Sarah, Cath, Nic, Lisa and Jen you've been probably don't like me much anymore,  but I had to do it. Because....... burried in the deep dark depths of Mr Beach House's man cave, otherwise known as the  boat building factory, I found this beautiful wooden vintage ladder.

Now I never enter that dirty dusty cesspit unless I absolutely have to.  You can so tell from that last sentence that Mr Beach House doesn't read me, can't you!!!!!  He is one of Australia's last manufacturers and it's pretty rough in there, as you can see from the state of the ladder.  Sure hope the inside of his lungs don't look like this!!!! 

Actually I didn't discover this ladder by stumbling upon it.  Knowledge of its existence came to me in a passing conversation I had with Mr Beach House last week.  He had locked himself out of the factory.  Well actually, he had lent the factory keys to a mate so he could work on his own boat.  The friend failed to return the keys to the agreed hiding spot.  No wonder we are going out backwards.  His friends treat the factory as their own personal boat locker free of charge.  Every New Year Mr Beach House's resolution is 'No More Mr Nice Guy' but there is never much follow through on that one.

Anyway he had to break in through a window.  He was describing how clever he was cause it was 'up so high'.  Then he said it, words that will change my life forever, out on the deck anyway.  He said 'Lucky the ladder lives next to the window'.  'Aren't you a clever boy' I said stroking his ego momentarily, but all the while bursting inside at the possibility of a vintage ladder.  I have been looking for a vintage one, for a very long time.  I saw one in Melbourne for sale in a junk shop, but as you know my dear thrift loving friends, 'junk'  now has a hefty price tag, so it didn't fit within my 'Has  to Be  Almost Free' decorating policy.

'Yes ladder' he said in response to my query. 'An old, crappy, wooden one I found by the side of the road years ago.'
Mmmmmm,  'Old ! Crappy! Wooden! Side of the road!' I mused, 'Can I have it?'  'You're kidding!  No it's yuck, what do you want that for? We've got a perfectly good aluminium one under the house".  'Please can you just bring it home?' I said.  'No' was the reply.

Well if the Mountain won't come to Mohammad!!!!!
 I had an hour to kill this morning.  I have been asking him for a week to bring it home, with no results so I had to attend the man cave and take things into my own hands.  I run a 'can do' corporation round here and the slightest whiff of a vintage ladder has to be explored, don't you think?.  His mates were there as I arrived at smoko.  They thought I was a maniac.  I had to do some fast talking to get Mr Beach House to tie it on the roof racks.  People were coming out of neighbouring factories to see what all the laughter and commotion was about, but God love him, he did it.  It needs lots of work, but we cleaned it up a little, sawed off the really dangerous split, chippy bits and decided its ultimately going to get some Beach House White love.  Just like this vintage cane lounge it will live next to on my deck, that is currently, ever so slowly, having a love in with my white paint brush.

So  now that I have finished my Little Girls Bedroom Make over, I thought I'd give you a sports update on my front deck re do, by way of a mood board.

This vintage map cushion I picked up at IKEA last week, ($20) has pretty much dictated to colour palette of my outdoor room.  I already had the hemp cushions and as they work with the map, it's black and taupe.  I could ultimately throw a pop of colour in later if the need arises.

I am going for a kind of vintage, tropical, Caribbean, India Hicks, adventurer style here.  I haven't quite nailed it, but hopefully the finished result will make Mr Beach House accept any future vision I have for old junk I want to incorporate, into the decorating of the Beach House.

I saw a similar gentleman's tin locker to this red one at Rust this morning for $295.  I got this one from a garbage dump junk shop 10 years ago for $10.  My mum threw the one my father had out.   Arrrgh!!!!! Still love ya mum!!!!

So not all this stuff will be going into the re do, but one thing is for sure, it will be pretty much be stuff I already have.  I love to gather it all in one spot, just to see how it all pulls together for inspiration.

The garden seat will definitely be replaced by the cane lounge......and as it's white the whole thing will lighten up somewhat!!!!

This surfboard foam blank, a freebie from one of Mr Beach House's factory neighbours, is going to be made into an art work to hang above the cane lounge I think.

Oh and the little mat hanging on the ladder was something I picked up at IKEA $(5) and it will definitely be in the completed re do.

So that's it for the update, except for a funny/crazy thing that happened yesterday.  There was a message on the answering service, when I got home  yesterday.  It was from my daughter's new kindergarten, enquiring as to where she was on her first day.  Yes that's right I missed taking my daughter's to her first day ever of real kindy.  So what do you think? Bad mother?  The answer is clearly a big fat yes!!!!  I just assumed they started next week, when school goes back!!!  Happy to report we got there today and she had a ball.  So her first/second day of kindy was thankfully a good one.  I took photos of her today and as the years go by, today will be remembered as her first day of kindy.  Told you I was a great mum until I had kids.

Today I am partying here


  1. I love the ladder! I have seen people doing all kinds of creative things with them. Have yet to find one!!

  2. Oh...I'd love to have a ladder just like that! I love the blanket you have on it, too!


  3. What a great space you've created here. I just love all of the vintage goodness that come together here. Very rustic, and charming at the same time.

  4. Love everything in the picture. I would love love love to live at the beach. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

  5. I love your new best friend... glad you rescued her and gave her a nice place to live :) And, your daughter is a cutie!

  6. Love the ladder. Funny story. I have one that's super tall..I found it in my barn. It reaches to the loft area. And I love it.


  7. love all your thrifted treasures on your verandah! a great collection there. your little girl looks very grown up. many parents looking forward to school going back i'm sure ;)

  8. Oh, Carolyn,your daughter is just gorgeous. That ladder idea is super. We used to use them in our shop for displaying items, also.
    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN ~

  9. I love the ladder! It looks great and might I add, your daughter is adorable.

  10. I love the ladder and the finish/paint on it! The accessories are perfect!

  11. MMMMMMM I love your new best friend! You know how to pick 'em and with a great story too! Your porch looks beautiful, I love all your treasures and I so need to go back to Ikea!
    You are not a bad mom, you were just having so much fun spending time with her. I so would have done the same thing, in fact, if not for my MIL, I would have missed many school things. :)


  12. Oh girl, you scored good! Love, love the ladder. But then, I have a bit of a ladder fetish. My hubby actually says when I go thrifting, "don't bring home any more old ladders, windows, or doors; PLEASE". Did I mention I brought home another old door last week? You may be a bad mom, but I'm a bad wife. lol! I especially love the red tin locker. What a bargain you got on that. My youngest daughter loves maps, just had to pick up the phone and tell her about the darling map pillow I spied here on your blog. Visiting from Rednesday.

  13. had me at "old ladder," but when you made me laugh out loud (& I interrupted my hubby's tennis watching to share it), I had to check to make sure I'm following you. Silly me, I wasn't, but I am now!!! I have an old ladder just like this one that we lugged home sticking up into the dash between us...He's a good sport too...and I haven't done anything with it!! I will now! Thanks for the laugh and the inspiration! ~Zuni

  14. I cant't wait to see what you do with the cane lounge. Little Miss Cutie Pie steals the show again. Love the map pillow.

  15. Love the ladder idea and love the ladder you used in your daughter's room. I've been looking for one like that for my master bath to hang towels on. Popping over from Wow Us Wednesday. Lovely blog, I'm your newest follower. If you get a chance, follow me back, please!

  16. Your daughter is adorable!

    Your porch is so charming and I adore your new best friend!

  17. I wish I had friends like u do who would give me a free surfboard, I have been looking a surfboard in any kind of condition for a reasonable price, but Free is better. Your daughter is soooo adorable. I remember when my kids back packs were bigger than they were. lol

  18. I am so jealous of your ladder. I had the loveliest old one with chippy red paint and someone stole it. GRRRRR!!! SO now I am on the prowl for another one. Your daughter is adorable. So cute for her first day of school. Happy to be a new follower from Wow us Wednesdays.

  19. Your ladder is wonderful! In fact, your whole front porch is lovely!

  20. Ladders are so fun to use in decorating. Your porch looks so inviting!
    Mary Alice

  21. Since that fabulous ladder is your best friend, she should have reminded you of your daughters first day of kindergarten - blame the ladder! Love all your thrifty finds!

  22. you worked hard for that ladder! It looks fab:-)

  23. Aren't you funny! LOVE the porch and all the items on there! So darn cute! Will you come share this post with my group tonight?

  24. Love the ladder and your porch is fabulous! Thank you for sharing your lovely post at Potpourri Friday!

  25. I LOVE everything. I have been trying to hunt down a ladder like that. I think though the last pic is your best treasure though! She is adorable!! Thanx for coming to the party!

  26. i just found you through French Country Cottage. I posted on a ladder I found this week too! I like how you put yours on your porch, it gave me some more ideas on how to display mine! It will be fun discovering new ways to use it throughout my house! See Ya!

  27. Love the ladder, I had one and just moved and gave it away to my friend...Now I miss it and I just found one here so I think I will go back to buy it....I want to use one in my new home. Love your blog. I am one of your new followers. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  28. Great ladder and what a beautiful little girl.

  29. What a great post. I love your porch. I've been looking for good ideas for mine. Much smaller than yours, but I still got a lot of great ideas! " Every New Year Mr Beach House's resolution is 'No More Mr Nice Guy' but there is never much follow through on that one." I have a Mr. Nice Guy too, I guess that's one of the things that drew me to him, and I'm sure you too!

  30. I'm crazy about ladders, and it's a perfect fit for your great looking porch. Hope you have plenty of time to enjoy!

  31. Such a cute idea! I'm in love with your house- it's gorgeous! I'd love it if you stopped by my linky party and link up one of your favorite posts!

  32. Love everything in these images!! The ladder is awesome, but that red trunk with the basket atop is Ohh la la! Not to mention that cool pulley! :)

  33. What a great little area! I love all your beachy stuff! :)

  34. Your porch is so cute! I love ladders too! I have 3 and counting... I'm your newest follower!

  35. That may just be the cutest porch I've ever seen! I LOVE the ladder and all of the other fun things that you've done!! Thanks for linking up to t2t Tuesday at Sassy Sites!


  36. Wow, you definitely scored some fabulous treasures. I love that ladder. Super find. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  37. Love the porch. So nice and inviting. Great little things around and I love the ladder.

  38. The ladder love! The deck love! Can I move the pillows, take a seat and uncork a bottle of wine?

    Thank you so much for joining our "impossibilities" link party!


  39. Now that my friend is one FABULOUS find! xxx

  40. Great ladder and everything else in the photo, your porch looks fantastic!

  41. Another great space, you have amazing style, I LOVE it. Thanks so much for linking this up too! Karah

  42. I'll be right over - looks like a great place to enjoy a cocktail! Thanks so much for linking to our Impossibilities Challenge.
