Thursday, March 15, 2012

To My Fabulous Followers I've Got So Much To Tell You

Hello Sweet People
I've been MIA since late February.  It seems I got caught up in the changes at Blogger and my posts were no longer showing up in your Dashboards or Blogrolls.  I've still been posting 3-4 times a week, but you guys had no idea about it.  Lets do coffee together.  I'll wait right here whilst you go and make one.  You've got some catching up to do.

There was my Summer Deck redo

What I'm wearing to my first blogging conference

Some more art work I made for the Beach House Brat's Bedroom

A Spring Mantel and a reveal of my New Leaner Body

And Some Quick and Easy Easter Egg Mousse

And much much more.  Just scroll down through my posts or click on any of the links in blue.

I hope to be seeing much more of you gals and thanks so much for reading me.

Post Script :Actually it's gone down again.  I've posted again here We are working on it, but make sure you check back regularly cause I'm still here.  Arrrgh


  1. i'm glad everything's working properly for you! must have been annoying.

  2. You poor thing. How frustrating!
    I have the EXACT same cane lounge (also painted white) on my deck!!!
    LoVe it...
    Tania Maree xx
    Scandi Coast Home AUSTRALIA

  3. I loved that Easter egg mousse idea - I am going to give that a go this EAster. And no I don't have hollow legs - big eyes, small appetite & a husband who is very good at finishing off my meals! He runs & surfs so he can eat what he likes - so we are good combo - I order everything & he eats it all!

  4. Well golly Miss Molly! I thought I was just behind on my reading! I get myself to following so many blogs my head spins! LOL! Glad you're back and I did miss you and thought I would need to go find you somewhere! Spring is busy workload doubles with all the outdoor duties now. TTYS!

  5. Welcome back! I am off to look at your posts. I hope this doesn't happen to you again.


  6. Hi, Carolyn!
    As you know I am a new follower, and somehow I had read the posts!
    I also loved the Easter egg idea! I live in Canada but I am from Brazil, and there we are huge fans of passion fruit as well! I have been dreaming about your orange cake, today I even showed your post to my husband!! I have to remember to pick up almond meal tomorrow!
    I hope you are having better weather than us - we are supposed to be in spring (almost) and today we had flurries here... I need your cake to cheer me up!!!

  7. Well I for one am glad to have you back, I thought you were on vacation!
    Lovely to catch up with all that I've missed.

  8. I had wondered where you were? I just had all your posts show up in my reader (I use Google reader). What a mess. Went through your posts and am most impressed with your IVF story. What a brave thing to share and you told the story beautifully. Glad to see you back. Angela

  9. It's me - Miss America from playgroup :)

  10. how annoying but good news that all good now!!!xx
