Friday, July 20, 2012

Beach House Decor, A Vintage Mantel

I've been doing a little vintage hunting lately.  Gee whiz it soothes the soul.  I don't think you can beat the patina of  some roughed up pieces to add  real character to your decorating.  This rose bowl was a black mess when I laid eyes on it.  A little bit of polish and look at her now.  I am constantly at a loss as to why people trade up from this kind of stuff, to the  mass produced fashion of the day.  Fashion is one thing, but style is another all together. Frankly I would prefer the 'lovingly produced' of yesteryear in my Beach House.

The rose bowl sits beautifully amongst my other treasures.  These pieces have a story.  I won't kid you dear reader, if it hasn't come out of my family vault, I have no idea what it is, but it has to be better than.  "Hello my name is generically produced objet d'art and I have just come from a production line in China.  I smell a bit of chemicals, but you'll get used to it"

The only thing this beautiful  brass and cedar fishing reel smells of is the salty sea.  I love it all over back and front.

The little latch still works and Mr Beach House is talking about taking my new friend on his next fishing trip.  That will not be happening ladies!!!!

I do make an exception for mass produced, when it comes to IKEA though.  How could I not, this little enamel pitcher another garage sale find, looks like it was made 100 years ago in a French factory.  I question why it was an entrant in the garage sale anyway, but there you go!!!!!!  I couldn't go past this baby for $2 now could I.

So what do you think ladies?  Are you a vintage or a modern kinda girl?

All those years of being dragged around to antique stores as a kid, has rubbed off on me, placing me squarely in the vintage camp.  Now, I am so nostalgic for it and love to be surrounded by these little pieces of history.


  1. Beautiful, simple, refreshing and calming...

  2. The Rose bowl, a terrific find! I love collecting vintage and retro! I can hardly wait for my boxes to arrive from NYC, full of bits and pieces from Brookly flea and many op shops I visited. I wonder what the customs people think when they open my boxes full of junk! We will habe to catvh up for a coffee soon! Roberta x

  3. I totally agree with you, Carolyn...I love one of a kind. Unless it looks VERY original and I know fifty people won't have it, I dislike mass produced pieces. Your mantel looks so pretty, so very beachy and airy. I love the armchair in your room, too!


  4. I'm definitely a vintage girl, but love my IKEA lounges and odds and ends!! I love your finds. That fishing reel is awesome ! Kate x

  5. I'm a vintage gal. I absolutely would love to have that rose bowl.
    What a find!

  6. I like the simplicity of this. Love that rose bowl and the addition of the wooden pieces.

  7. Vintage all the way for me Carolyn. I've got a collection of enamelware, in particular a jug and bowl plus a few other less antique, more modern ceramic matching jugs and bowls but just not enough room to put them out, especially with the kids running about. I must check if my Dad's old fishing creel is still in existence at my Mum's house. He only used those old reels. Lovely display!

    Anne xx

  8. So pretty.. a great look at historic things that are still beautiful.

  9. Love your vintage finds Carolyn and agree with your Ikea exception! Vintage all the way, Jo :)

  10. I love love love that rose bowl and have never seen one like. The trophy shape is so classic. There is just no accounting for taste for someone to give that special piece up. Hope you are having a super special weekend.

  11. Everything is beautiful, just lovely! Here from TT&J, thank you for sharing your finds!

  12. That rose bowl is very special. I have never seen anything like it. What a fantastic find. The fishing reel is lovely too. Totally agree with you as well. I loathe mass produced rubbish! x

  13. That rose bowl is special. I am a vintage girl agewise, I do have a few vintage-y things, but 20 years ago when dismantling my parental home, I ditched so much stuff that is now haunting me when I visit Blogland. Oh well. No vision on my part! xo

  14. Beautiful matel, so pretty and serene. I love the roses in that pretty silver bowl. Happy Seasonal Sunday.

  15. I am with you. Give me vintage, antique, chippy, old, weathered, character-filled anytime! Your mantel is beach perfection - and I would hold on to the fishing reel, as that is a real beauty!

  16. So pretty. I love that little jar with the doily and yarn.

  17. I agree with you. Pieces that mean something, have personality and aren't cookie cutter fads are far more appealing.

    The rose bowl with "real roses" is gorgeous and the fishing reel is the perfect touch!

  18. I love the fishing reel : o ) What a great summer mantel!

  19. vintage finds beat store bought any day if you ask me!

  20. Your mantel is just beautiful. I love the soft muted colors of the room.


  21. You have such a great mix of textures. Eclectic and vintage work for me. I love that reel.

  22. Wonderful finds. Your rose bowl is beautiful. I love the vintage look myself.
    Mary Alice

  23. I have never seen a rose bowl before. I love it and will now be hunting for one. Love that old reel, too.

  24. I love to be surrounded by pieces with history as well. The old reel is so neat.

  25. That looks beautiful!
    Would love if you stopped by my party to link this up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  26. SO pretty! And, you are right-- vintage shopping soothes the soul :)
