Saturday, July 21, 2012

Atlantic Salmon Asian Style with a Slimmer's salad

I get lots of questions about how I have lost 15kg since September last year and the real answer is, eating this kind of food.  Lots of salmon and salad.  I kid you not, after eating this for dinner a few nights ago, my body tingled all over.  This meal is packed with so many great tasting nutrients I wanted to share it with you.

Baby Spinach, Roast Beetroot and Danish Feta Salad

1/2 a packet of baby spinach
1 peeled and cooked (roasted or boiled) beetroot diced into 2cm squares
1/2 an avocado diced into 2cm squares
Good handful of Danish feta crumbled
Handful of raw macadamia nuts
1/2 Spanish onion diced
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (Bertolli is my sponsor and I recommend it)
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard

Combine salad vegetables and nuts in a bowl.
To make vinegarette  combine oil and vinegar in a jug with Dijon mustard and whisk until combined.
After dressing the salad, sprinkle with crumbled Danish feta.

I usually make a bottle of vinegarette at a time, as we eat lots of salad and it's very convenient.  To do this fill 2/3 of a salad bottle with extra virgin olive oil and the remaining 1/3 with white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.  Shake to emulsify.

Asian Style Atlantic Salmon
2 Atlantic Salmon cutlets
1 brown onion
1 clove garlic
2cm (1/2 inch ) cube ginger
2 tablespoons soy sauce
juice of one lemon
Bertolli oil for spaying
1 teaspoon of Chinese 5 spice powder for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 180C to 350F

Place all ingredients except the fish and Chinese 5 Spice Powder in your food processor of choice and whiz to a paste.  I do this with my stick blender in a tall jug.  Pour a small amount of the paste on a small  oiled baking tray.  Arrange fish on the paste.  Pour the remaining paste over the fish.  Sprinkle the Chinese 5 Spice Powder over the fish as shown.
Bake the fish on the top shelf of your oven for 17 to 20 minutes.
Serves 2
Source: Adapted from a Jamie Oliver recipe

This dish tastes amazing and I guarantee it will become one of your staples

Check out my other easy recipes here
To check out my other weight loss tips for losing weight realistically go here
Today I am linked up here
Seasonal Sundays
Sunday Showcase
Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesday
52 Mantels
Transformation Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home
Foodie Friday
Weekend Wrap Up Party
Fine Craft Guild


  1. yum! this salad sound delish. Printed out to try soon

  2. Sounds delishious and healthy. I'm a big fan of Salmon and needed some new recipes. I'll be sure to give this one a try.

  3. Easy peasy salmon, even for me.

  4. Your title really grabbed my attention! I love salads and this one looks delicious. I've never enjoyed cooking any kind of fish. I never get it right but this recipe looks simply enough. Thanks for sharing.

    The French Hutch

  5. I agree with my blogging friend, Emily, your post title pulled me right on. I think your salad looks and sounds very delicious and super healthy, and I like Asian flavors. Going to make this for myself this week, for sure. Visiting from SS at the Tablescaper. xo

  6. Totally love this! I adore anything this great, light and makes you lose weight...I usually eat like this. Thanks for the terrific recipe!

  7. Thanks for the recipe. Sounds delicious, and I love salmon. Cherry Kay

  8. When are you going on Masterchef?

  9. Would love it if you could share this on my link party Serenity Saturday @
