Monday, September 17, 2012

Beach Home Decor: Shell Chalk Board

Hello Beach Dwellers
I have some news......I think I like crafting again.  It's been a big break over the southern Winter, but I do believe I am back.  Nothing like a warm tinge to the air to make you want to spruce up the joint with a little more beach decor. This weekend just past, I made this shell chalk board.

I think chalk broad paint is about one of the quickest and most stylish ways to give a room an instant lift.  Done well, it can be a great feature too.  And talk about on a budget.  This whole project set me back the princely sum of $3.50 and that is the honest truth.  The chalk board paint was  left over from this surfboard project and the bag of shells was $3.50.  Of course I am becoming quite the expert at the roadside find, but I can't lay claim to this one, my lovely friend Lisa nabbed this print for me, just because she thought I would like to make it over or could use it in some way.

Mr Beach House has been complaining that we need a message board.  Something about his complete inability to turn up to anything I organise on time, or sometimes even at all.  Apparently because 
"I don't write it down", he can't possibly remember it.  This from the guy who failed to turn up to the spreading of my father's ashes before we were married.  Believe me, I should have seen the writing on the wall then.  Lord knows it was staring me in the face, but that's blind love for you. I married him anyway and basically there has been no major change in behaviour on these kinds of things since. Thankfully he has other redeeming features.  He is very funny and great at tying cane lounges salvaged from the side of the road, onto the top of cars, so I decided to keep him.  Anyway a decade or more later, we have moved on and I have finally realised there is no changing this guy, so I made a message board.

It's just that the Virgo in me could barely bring myself to write on it..  

Initially I thought I might like this cane mirror out on the deck.  We tried it this way,

and that, but it was a little bland and all too white.

We had to fight the Beach House Brat for the cordless drill.  That's another thing about Mr Beach House and his complete disregard for convention.  Whilst I was flat out buying a Bob the Builder style plastic tool set for my kids to play with along side him when he works around the house, he always just let them play with the real thing.  Usually with me having conniptions in the background.  So far they have survived and if this kid can hang her own pictures in her adult life, cause she has grown up wielding this baby, then all the better I guess.

So because the mirror didn't get a permanent run out here, we tried the "message board" instead and I liked it.

And here's what I wrote on it.  "Beach" ........ so completely unoriginal I know, but at least it's true, the Beach  is just over there.  And when we entertain this Summer this will become a menu board.

Not sure how we are going to solve the message board issue......perhaps we wont, but if he keeps helping me tie this kind of stuff on the roof of the car, like he did this afternoon, I'm going to have to forgive him for failing to turn up to the next event in a timely fashion, cause basically, this 'tying on' quality in him, is priceless.  How I tried to get this baby into the car and home on my own is a funny story for another day. Lets just say I couldn't do it alone, try as I might. I had to drive back to the yacht club, where I had left him to pack up (read socialise) and get him to help me tie the lounge on the roof. He willingly came, it was still there and now it lives here, at least until the next car boot sale anyway.

Have a great week.
Today I am linked up here


  1. Oh, funny post! I hear you with the warmer weather helping you get your craft game back on. Me too.
    Kylie x

  2. love chalkboard paint! got to love a man who helps you rescue roadside finds!

  3. that looks great. My style would be to add more stuff, like a bit of driftwood and more shells. speaking of crafting, I have two days off and am determind to do something crafty too. have a great week. Jane x

  4. i love your covered verandah! & your upcycling ;)

  5. Love the transformation, Carolyn!

    My husband is the same way - always forgetting things because they aren't written down. I solved it by adding all items in my google calendar, and including him on the invitation - that way, I can set up the reminders for him (as many as I want!), and he can't use the excuse of forgetting to write something down.

  6. I think I'm going to have to come for a drive with you Carolyn. You always find the best stuff! Love the chalkboard. (I've got a bit of an obsession with chalkboard paint too. If my son doesn't stand still long enough, I might give him a top coat too! LOL)

    Anne xx

  7. Hi Carolyn,
    Let me know if you decide to sell that lounge set you just found.
    I might have a spot for it ;o)
    I love your blackboard too by the way......
    I think we all painted this weekend!!!
    Tania xx

    1. Totally serious about buying the lounge and chair by the way ;o)
      TM xx

  8. Love your blackboard, what you wrote on it and the pic of your daughter with that drill is just priceless! So glad you are back on the crafting horse :)
    Cas x

  9. Oh my goodness, that is a pretzel lounge set!!! They are soooo expensive!!! That is the find of the year I reckon!!!!! What days can you do coffee this week? xx

  10. That is awesome! lOve it!!! I wish I was there!!!
    This week is chalkboard week over at The cSI Project so be sure to come by all week for tutorials and link up to the competition starting Wednesday night. I am going to share this on my FB page because I love it!!!

  11. Love the message you wrote on it.

  12. Wonderful laugh out loud funny post. I have a chaulk board on
    my refrigerator. I use it for quick notes. It's quite a bit

  13. Yep the craft bug seems to have hit us all and I'm loving it!... cute idea with the blackboard...what a comfy space to hang out...
    Bec x

  14. Looks your little "helper" :) Laurel

  15. Love the blackboard design. Will have to get some for the kids soon. Can't wait for the warmer weather too living only 5 minutes walking distance from it we have missed it.

  16. Cute and practical... gotta love chalkboards! Being funny and good at tying down road side finds totally makes hubby a keeper! ;) Jo x

  17. I prefer the blackboard design. More beach-y feelings.

    And the lounge is to drool for. Am jealous... Sux!

    Happy mid-week.

    Greetings from a chilly & rainy Stockholm,

  18. Great transformation, Carolyn! Looks like you have some cute help! Thank you for sharing your project to Potpourri Friday!

  19. What a great transformation! YOur addition of shells made this chalkboard perfectly beachy! It looks great on your porch. What fun to have it be your menu board in the future!
    Your project would be perfect to share at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS, my weekly linky party going on now! Come on over and join in!

  20. What a fun idea! Love that you can make it on a budget too.

  21. Very cute~ your chalkboard is darling. Thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

  22. Love it! I love seashells, all year!

  23. SO MUCH BETTER with the blackboard! love this.
