Friday, September 14, 2012

My Week in Instagram on the Snow and at the Beach House

  I have been spending way too long looking at Hamptons architecture online this week and began to become unhappy with my own abode.  Crazy I know, but at least it made me clean up a little and move a few things around.  The idea I came up with, which I like most, is the beach towels in a vintage box by the front door, in readiness for Summer. The box was another road side find and you will understand why I am sad the Council truck has taken all the junk now.

Beach Towels, usually wet and hanging from a balustrade, are an ever constant here at the Beach House through Summer, so they may as well look good whilst not in use. 

After our ski trip last week, I am very restless and have the travel bug big time.

A tropical  location would suit me very well I think.

Though this week, it will have to be in my living room.

I bought a birthday present for the kids to give me on the day.  I loved this nude and pink bracelet and the bling wallet. Well blingy enough for me anyway.  They were like this together in the store and I it made me want them both.  Lucky I have 2 kids.

My darling friend Lisa, took me to lunch to celebrate my birthday in a beautiful Italian restaurant beside this beach on Sydney Harbour.  We had too much wine really, for the middle of the day and only just made it back for school pick up.  Neither of us ate dinner that night.  She has just been to the real thing on Sicily, so it was a lovely catch up and of course she ordered.  I adore that girl.

You've already seen these blooms but I loved them and their vase.  Hello Spring.

And here's a few from the end of last week. For my non Aussie readers.  The skiing is 6 hours drive south of Sydney.  The mountains are not very high but there is enough snow for a very nice little ski.  We go to a resort called Thredbo. I have been going there all my life and I love her intensely. 

My main aim these days is to give my kids the same opportunities that I had on snow, but really, I hope to be skiing 'til the day I die.

And for once my kid wasn't the crazy freezing one.

This is how I like my Australian ski lodges, all pointy and 1960's and vintage like.
I woke up very early this morning and it was snowing heavily.  I was the only one up in the lodge. It felt like Christmas morning, I was a kid again and Santa had been.  I was so very excited.

This is the new happier me as a skier.  A lot lighter than last year.  I have been skiing for over 40 years and have worked in snow fields around the world.  Funny when you ride a chair lift with an old boyfriend who still is on the ski patrol and your husband at the same time.  Makes for an interesting discussion about what might have been and was actually a great catch up.  What might have been, is alternate ski seasons in Australia and Val d'Isere France each year.  Sounds romantic, and it is France, but I would probably still be waiting tables, so I'm happy I chose the path I did.

This day skiing went down as one of my best ever ski days and it wasn't bad for Spring skiing either.  I was going great and felt 20 years old again.  Even with hire skis.  It was divine.  I love skiing with Mr Beach House and we get on like a house on fire when we are on holidays.  The kids are in ski school all day and someone other than me cooks our dinner and lunch and breakfast.  What's not to love!!!!!  My dream come true actually.

The kids take to this lifestyle very happily as well.  The ski lodge is loaded with other kids.  They all go down to the games room and the older ones hang out in the guest lounge playing on their ipads.  There is a kids separate dinner sitting so it is all completely civilised.  

The kids cried as we left.  It was just that good.

This was me on the chairlift after my first run for the season and I felt so very very happy.  Just sitting there with nature in the quiet whirring of the chairlift as the only sound.  To me that is the ultimate in pleasure.

When I was a little girl, my dad used to yodel on the chairlift and although I laughed heartily, it did embarass me a bit.  No such behaviour from Mr beach House.  It's times like these I can remember exactly why I married him.  

Have a fabbo weekend beach dwellers,  I hope to be bringing you some of that Hampton's architecture next week.

Oh and there are some more Twit Pics of our holiday in my sidebar, if you care to look.

Today I am linked up here


  1. Extremes Much? Love it.
    You travel well between hot and freezing ;o)
    I love your Hamptons style zhooshing a lot. When I come over you better hide some of those pieces, especially if I'm toting a big handbag. Some pieces may require a removalist trolley which might be a bit tricky to sneak out ;o)
    Think I'm joking? Try me......
    Really, I am joking.
    Tania xx

  2. The skiing looks like lots of fun!
    Love that Hamptons' style.

    Was whirring the spelling you your after?

    1. Thanks Deanne that was it. I'll change it now.

  3. HI Carolyn,
    I've enjoyed seeing your photos on IG. Looks like you had so much fun.
    Kylie x

  4. I haven't skied in years! It sure is fun! Your house is pretty!

  5. looks like a great time at the snow!
    happy birthday!!

  6. From beach to snow, I always enjoy your adventures! I always appreciate the inspiration you share at Potpourri Friday!

  7. Being from South Florida, I never had to worry about it snowing, but now that I live in Georgia we have had one snow fall since I been here. It was fun while it lasted (only a day thank goodness)I still get cold when the temp gets below 70F. I do love reading about ur adventures though. Thanks for sharing....

  8. happy happy birthday!!!! wow....we still have half our life to go.whoaoaoo! (or maybe more) hope you felt spoilt, you deserve it.

    loved the pics, your kids look so happy (as does their olds) nic xxx

  9. Awesome Pics! Stompy stomped here x

  10. Love your vintage surfboard - Happy Birthday!

  11. I always get your blog thru e-mail and
    it delights me to receive it this way
    as it always puts a smile on my face.

    1. Thank you. You are such a sweet lady and so supportive

  12. Happy belated birthday, Carolyn!

    I am definitely *not* a snow bunny - I remember going to visit the NSW snowfields when I lived in Canberra as a teenager - in the photos, I am the one sitting in the back of the combi van, because I refused to get outside into the snow.

    When I moved to the US, I went skiing twice (in Michigan), but didn't enjoy it at all. I was glad when we moved from northern Indiana (average snowfall of 72" a year) to north Texas, with very little snow each year. I'm definitely more of a beach and sun loving gal.

  13. It's so strange to see pictures of your family in the snow just a week or so ago! Here in the Midwest, United States, we are just finishing up summer and autumn weather is here. Our snow will be hitting us, sometime around November, give or take a month. It reminds me how we feel so close to other bloggers, with the internet, but the world is very big and we are really many, many miles away!! Enjoy your Spring!!
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage
