Friday, November 2, 2012

Easy Chicken Curry, with Tomato, Potato and Spinach and a Blogger Study

Hello Hello
Thanks for stopping by, you make my day you know and by doing that and I am eternally grateful to YOU. All I have to offer in return, is this Easy Chicken Curry, with Tomato, Potato and Spinach for you. If you make it, I hope it makes your day a little easier, but first:

I have just filled in a survey about blogging via Digital Parents.  Yes Curtin university is conducting a study of bloggers via a survey, so I thought I'd throw my two cents worth in.  I found it cathartic.  Here's what I wrote in answer to the question about what I get from blogging.

"Motherhood can be a very lonely place.  To know that there are others out there going through the same experiences as me, is reassuring. I also put a lot of work into my home making and through my blog, I can share that with others. It's all a bit rough around the edges, but my readers seem to appreciate and like what I am doing.  I know this via the great comments and it makes me feel good about me, which you often don't get from the immediate family unit, when you are in the thick of it.  Even just to get an email saying "Tried your recipe and it was amazeballs" makes my day and gives me strength to keep going. It's funny, but I used to get the same buzz from taking some home baked goodies to playgroup and everyone oohing and ahing over the results, now I can take it to the world, if they care to check in.  There in lies the power of this blogging thing for me." 

And of course a mother who is appreciated is a happy mother.

So here's what we've been eating at the Beach House this week.  I am not usually keen on using curry pastes from a jar, but sometimes you want an easy meal that tastes fab.  When I looked at the ingredients in this Valcom Panaeng Curry Paste, they are natural and there are no preservatives or colourings added.  There is citric acid, which is derived from citrus and acts as a natural preservative, so it's not too bad.  Oh and I wasn't paid to say that.  Just thought I'd share from one busy mum to another.

This recipe was easy and delicious and being a one pot wonder, lessens the load somewhat. Even the littlest Beach House Brat was a starter. 

Easy Chicken Curry, with Tomato, Potato and Spinach
serves 4 adults

2 tablespoons of oil 
3 cloves of garlic crushed
2 tablespoons of grated ginger
2 long red chillies seeds removed and finely chopped
1/4 cup Valcom Panaeng Curry Paste.  It's widely available, but you can substitute any ready to go curry paste here you like
8 chicken thighs skin and fat removed to your taste
3 potatoes peeled and cut into quarters
1 medium size (400g) jar of tomato pasta sauce.  I love the Aldi organic brand 
1 cup of Chicken stock.  I use Campbells
100g (two big handfuls) of baby spinach leaves
juice of one lime

Heat oil to medium in a heavy based pot (with a lid for later) over the stove.
Lightly fry the garlic and ginger being careful not to burn it.
Add the curry paste cook for 1-2 minutes until fragrant
Add the chicken and make sure it is well coated with the curry paste and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Add the potatoes, pasta sauce and stock.
Cook until the mixture starts to bubble. Cover and turn the mixture down, allow it to cook until the potatoes are just cooked. (test this in about 20 minutes with the point of a knife).
Stir in the spinach and allow to wilt for 1 minute.
Add the lime juice and serve with rice.
Wait for your family to say "Fantastic meal mum" and be sadly let down as they dive in, but don't bother to show any appreciation whatsoever.
Post it on the blog and get some appreciation from a lovely community, which by and large for me, is about supporting one another. And that my darlings is why I blog.

Have a great weekend guys.
For my other easy weeknight wonders to help ease the load go here

I am currently giving away a beautiful linen pillow here and I would appreciate you even more if you entered. 
Today I am linked up here


  1. Looks delicious!!!
    You need to train those little darlings to say thank you for cooking their meals each day!!!
    Hubby started saying thank you to me for cooking a delicious meal when the kids were little and they followed his example. Now that I don't cook every meal we make sure to thank whoever was the chef for that meal- it makes a big difference!

  2. looks and sounds really nice!! thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Hi Carolyn,
    What a great idea to use tomato pasta sauce instead of coconut milk. Funnily enough I made penang curry for dinner last night too! I made the regular coconut version for my husband and the kids, and for me I used soy milk, coconut essence, and a little cornflour to thicken it. It tasted pretty good. I'll have to give your tomato based recipe a try. Thanks for showing us some healthy cooking. Kylie x

  4. This looks so good, and I haven't had curry in ages, so now I'm going to have to make some soon!

  5. Looks yummy. I Liked your answer to the blogging question. Atlthough I'm no longer a SAHM, it so no nice to connect and share with people when our lives are so busy and we may not otherwise be able to.
    Penny x

  6. I appreciate you and if you cooked for me you would surely be thanked profusely.
    I'm not sure why I blog but it's lonely drinking by myself ;O)
    Tania xx

  7. That curry looks great, think I'll be making that this weekend.

  8. Amazballs - I must use that word more! Your answer was honest and open and I think thats what makes bloggers so real we are not selling a product we are just being us :)

  9. I would use chicken breasts. Looks delicious and my husband likes curry.

  10. Yum, I feel hungry just looking at that chicken! xx

  11. I think that when you're a busy mum a curry paste from a jar to make a delicious home cooked meal is excellent. So much better than a takeaway meal. Good on you for taking part in the survey. I completed a survey today too but not on blogging which would have been far more interesting xx

  12. This looks delicious. I have never tried making any Asian dishes, but I may have to try this.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  13. This looks perfect for a family dinner!
    I would love to have you join Wednesday Extravaganza - my Foodie Link Party and share this (and/or any other) recipe of yours! Here is the link to it:

    Can't wait to see you there!
