Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Illie Home and Gift Narrabeen, A Much Nicer Experience

This gorgeous store front caught my I eye as I was driving through Narrabeen the other day. I just love black and white for eye catching style. Illie Home and Gift is not new, but has moved across the road to occupy new and larger digs. It has a sweet little coffee bar serving sweet treats and light lunches as well.  You can dine out at cafe tables and chairs or dine in on big communal tables which are beautifully styled.

This store is all about bold colour and beautiful statement pieces.

There are beautiful blues and yellows.  A tried and true combination.  I like it so much because my mum did my nursery in yellow and navy.  There was no sex testing in those days, so she was having a bet each way.

The reds and oranges are bold and bright.  A few of these pieces selectively positioned would bring sunshine to any room.

Pink and orange are another favourite colour combo for me.  I can't really account for my love of it.  I'd love to be able tell you I was deflowered on similarly coloured bed linen or something.  Alas, although the event was fabulously colourful, the bed linen was not from memory.

I am in love with natural textures and I really want a cow hide bag.  Have done for years, but they are all rather exxy where ever you go.  I am not a $400 a pop girl when it comes to handbags.  I didn't look at the price of this one so I may be wrong here, but I stopped pricing these things years ago. I'm practical like that.

Illie has a lovely colourful range of scarves....great to grace a Winter outfit.

There are those beautifully styled table centres

And the coffee hub.

Not sure what it is about colour, it's lovely, but I am pretty much still in love with neutral and natural textures.  They are still my favourite.  I do love this black and taupe look for a beach house.

1329 Pittwater Road
Ph 8002 1848
I hope your week is travelling well.  Oh and for any one who's interested, I did ask this time.  It was a much nicer experience.
Today I am linked up here.
IBOT at Essentially Jess
Coastal Charm
Sunday Showcase
Wow Us Wednesday


  1. Looks like a fabulous place, wish I was closer to visit!

  2. So there's only about 100 things in this blog post I want. It's a good thing Narrabeen is 10 hours away from me or I'd be tempted to go today! Thanks for sharing. -Aroha (#teamIBOT)

  3. This is my kind of store and a cafe inside! it's a dream come true. You spotlighted great things from this store.

  4. Oh my gosh, that store looks like bad bad news for a credit card! I want everything in it! Someone Australia marry me so I can live there please!!!

  5. Oh my heavens, I wish that existed near me. And with a coffee bar! Sigh. Thanks for sharing! Great pieces!


  6. That store is gorgeous, I would have a hard time walking out without anything!! Love the large wooden fruit and the bird cushions. X Karen #teamIBOT

  7. What a wonderful store - love all the colors!!

  8. Would you believe I have never been into this shop! I must rectify that immediately!!! xx

  9. Gorgeous store, I miss going to places like that for coffee - little wandering hands make it near impossible these days

  10. I see bags!!!! Distance will keep me safely away from those goodies. :)

  11. Gorgeous!!! Love all the red and orange.
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  12. Hee hee that was going to be my first question. What a stunning shop! Love all the bright colours

  13. you have some great shops in your area!

  14. oooo I LOVE that shop AND VAST next door! xx

  15. Cute stuff...Love red and pink together too! xx

  16. Oh I have been meaning to drop in there and have a look!
    Maybe tomorrow xx

  17. I love the blues and the oranges in your pictures - think I could get lost in that shop!

  18. Those orange and red displays are fabulous - think I have found the colours scheme for my new house!

  19. Nice place it seems. I also live on the beach side and hoping to have this kind of interior for my future house. Nice picture too. Awesome.

  20. Looks gorgeous, the colours just make me smile.

    Glad this one was a better experience!

  21. Very grateful that I cannot drive to this store! It is gorgeous and I could get lost in there, buying so many pretty little things xx

  22. Great store! Thanks for letting me window shop!!

  23. So nice to see independent shops flourishing.
