Monday, March 18, 2013

Artichoke Dip

Firstly thanks for your fantastic feed back in relation to my post on dealing with brands and taking photographs in retail stores.  I published all the comments, the for, the against and the down right abusive.   I have definitely learned something from the experience and I value all your input.
I have shot another gorgeous store since then.  I asked permission this time and they were very happy for me to do so, even offering me a coffee, which I declined.  I shall show you that later in the week.  

Now moving forward.  Some of you may need a really easy and delicious dip to pass around for an Easter get together.  One with only three ingredients.  One that will give you amazing culinary street cred amongst your peers.  One that friends will ask for the recipe, one that peeps will ask you to bring, when you offer to contribute something to the table. I took this to a friend's dinner party recently and it was a big hit.  It's a show stopper and you will be making it over and over once you have tried it, because it's just lovely.

Artichoke Dip
Drain and coarsely chop 2 x 400g cans of artichoke hearts in brine. 
1 cup of whole egg mayonnaise.  I used SW brand this time, but any good quality one will do.
1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese, plus 2-3 tablespoons extra for dusting.
Oil spray for greasing

Preheat the oven to 180 C/350 F
Mix ingredients together in a bowl.
Spray baking dish with oil
Decant mixture into the baking dish and spread evenly with the back of a spoon.
Sprinkle with reserved Parmesan cheese .
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve warm with crusty bread or crackers.

You will not be disappointed.

For all my other easy recipes go here.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Today I am linked up here


  1. Hi there, looks lovely. The photos are good too, please can I have a food photo tutorial one day??

    1. Well that's very sweet, but I have a shed load to learn as well.

  2. hi Carolyn,
    I have a friend who always used to bring this (or almost the same) dip to parties. I never got the recipe from her but it was delicious. will have to try this sometime!
    cheers Fiona

  3. I absolutely LOVE artichoke dip, and really artichokes in general :-) Would really like you to share this at what i am eating

  4. Delicious and easy. My kind of dish!

  5. Yummy! I have made this before and it is soooooo good it is dangerous. Your blog is so light and it.

