Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vintage Roadside Shopping.

The next time I need to furnish a house, I think I could just about do it from road side finds.  Talk about open air shopping....the price is right too.

Come on in and have a look at how you can use this kind of stuff for instant style.  All you need is a little imagination.  There are no pretensions here.  I shall be flogging most of this stuff at the next car boot sale I take a space at,  as I really don't have room for another thing in this Beach House, but if I did have space, I think some of these pieces made over, would add style to any room.

These suitcases are a little shabby right now, but a lick of paint would fix that.  I love the rustic old fasteners and the black trim on the trunk.   These old things would be great as a bedside or coffee table once they received a little love with a paint brush or spray can.  

Then there is this old zinc washing tub.  I use this as an ice bucket at parties and one day it may end up planted out with succulents.

Fill this gorgeous vintage zinc bucket with flowers and you have an instant centrepiece for a rustic table.

I shall be planting this old colander up with herbs for my kitchen bench top.

This old box looks like it was the bottom half of a trunk.  The patina is lovely and would look great as a planter with topiaries .

This mirror may be painted with chalkboard paint, next time you see it.  The frame needs a little love too. Then it will be on the market.

And how about this Grant Miller vintage Malibu surf board.  Just right for mounting on a beach house wall, once the wax is scraped off with a razor blade.  Or maybe add some legs to create a bespoke coffee table.

The adirondack chair may be a little Easter project I have in store for Mr Beach House.

This cane chair would be great painted black or white with a blue and white nautical striped cushion, to fill a corner in a beach house..  It would make a lovely chair for a writing desk.  There were 4 of theses by the road, but I could only get one in the back of the car.

And I couldn't believe it when I found this gorgeous vintage cane swivel chair, sitting out on the pavement.  The wicker needs re gluing, but how cool does she look?  She is also Beach House bound, I think .

This table which I think would seat 4, once it has a glass top reinstated, was too cute to drive by

And then there was this one.  A big blow up ball of the world.  We found it on a creek bed, whilst out walking as a family, one wet Sunday afternoon.  The Big Beach House Brat made some manic manouvres in the mud to retrieve it.  
The kids get loads of fun out of this ball each morning before breakfast.

See what I mean.. First, they drive me nuts by throwing it up into a tree on the exact same morning I have it booked in for a photo shoot for a post about road side finds. Cheeky!!!!

Then laugh very hard, as Mr Beach House tries just about everything to get it down.

He finally did, by the way.

If you are not picking stuff up from the side of the road, I can highly recommend it. Think of it as therapy, It's free, it reduces land fill, it can lead to all sorts of happy dancing with rakes and sticks, but most of all, it provides hours of entertainment and in this case, lots of laughter.

Not sure when I will get the time to make over any of this stuff,  but it's sure to keep me busy one way or another.
If you would like a piece of the action, you may be interested in this. I am giving away a $100 gift voucher to spend in a fabulous online homewares store, Allissias Attic Design here. The store is full of beautifully inspired French, vintage and Hamptons style pieces, which I know you will love.

Today I am linked up here


  1. carolyn your roadside finds are fabulous. I just wouldn't know where to start. I have a similar cane table with the glass top I also found on the kerb.
    good kuck with the makeovers, and I will look forward to winning the voucher for my birthday next week. :)
    Bec x

  2. Some great finds Carolyn! Would love a surfboard!

  3. Those are amazing - I can't decide what I like best - the swivel chair or the suitcases! Either way, they are all gorgeous and I look forward to seeing what you do with them... you know I like a bit of roadside collecting :)

  4. wow! amazing finds. i'd like to be in your area on throw out day!

  5. Your today's blogpost inspires me to write a similar one with my curb finds!You are so right why we should collect them off the curb!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. Great finds. I am so going scouting in your neck of the woods! x

  7. A pal of mine goes over to Mosman specially when the chuck out is on, I keep meaning too but never make it there. Love your finds!

    1. Palm Beach is a similar entity. The rich throw out some beautiful stuff.

  8. You had some great finds, wow, I love the chair and the bowl and I thing you were in the right place in the right time...It is wonderful when you are creative and you can see things in so many different ways..

  9. Gosh you found some fab stuff this time!!! The items in my house that get the most comments are the ones found street shopping! x

  10. I clearly need you to be my shopping buddy. I am both content and envious every time I look at a post of yours!

    1. That's funny, I feel the same way about loads of blogs too.

  11. Love this post. And yes i like roadside kill I have a real thing for Vintage suitcases at the moment. Even my (month old takes a vintage lawn bowls port as her day care bag. Keep scouting for more Roadside finds you clearly have a good eye for it. Cheers Karen

  12. shut up!!!! you got all that road side??? Lord, my heart just skipped a beat , what a fun, fantastic haul!! wooooohoooo virtual high five- so jealous
    ps....where do you live? I am so taking a drive

  13. What a great haul! Those suitcases would be worth a bit in a second hand or antique store even in that condition so you definately got a good find there. Can't wait to see what you turn them into with a lick of paint and some creativity :D

  14. What a haul! Love those suitcases and always go for galvenized anything. ~di @ Musings

  15. Wow! You scored. I can't wait to see what you do with it all.

  16. You and I share a common love. Been picking things up left and right. Could only fit a little table in the car today as I drove to work but found quite a few things last week. If I just had a truck I'd be buried in free goodies!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  17. Great finds! Love the galvanized pieces especially (I have a smallish collection.) I love big garbage curb day here, from Spring till Fall every other week here. Keeps so much out of landfills.

  18. Oh my gosh, you found all of this while curb shopping? How fantastic- I love it all! I think we could be friends- I have often turned my car around hen I spotted something good. P.S. Love the story about the globe ball- so sounds like how things are with my crew!

  19. Those are some FABULOUS scores!! Love the suitcases and that wooden box! WOW!

    I very recently brought home a nice haul after an online sale deal went wrong. I even wrote a post about it all. The curb finds made it all worthwhile in the end. LOL!

  20. Awesome finds! I need to drive around more and keep my eyes open. Thanks for sharing. ~CJ

  21. What great finds! I love the zinc bucket and that mirror especially. I never find items that good around here in Texas. I think I live in to poor a state nobody throws away anything that looks that good. lol Just joking. :-) I would love for you to share at Transformed Tuesday. I know my readers would be inspired to shop on the curb more.

    Hope you have time to stop by!
    Peggy~PJH Designs
