Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Banana and Dark Chocolate Chip Muffins without Eggs

Banana and Dark Chocolate Chip Muffins without Eggs

As December rolls around, we are well into the 'bring a plate' season.  That bastion of Australian culture, which goes very well with our laid back lifestyle.

It is employed by many hosts around this nation, in an effort to spread the entertaining workload.

So I thought I'd share this easy, healthy and delicious recipe with you.  These can be whipped up in 10 minutes flat and with 20 minutes in the oven, you have a lovely little offering for the party table, in just 30 minutes.  Their beautiful banana, honey and dark chocolate combo, means they go beautifully with coffee as a little morsel to round off a lovely dinner.

 I substituted the chocolate for a handful of sultanas and orange zest (bought in one packet from Aldi) and offered these up for an end of year band breakfast concert buffet this morning.  I only remembered that we had to take a plate at 9pm last night.  This is my go to healthy muffin and they were packed and ready to go in half an hour.

After the concert, the biggest Beach House Brat got an offer to join the senior band and also the smaller school stage band, and I am so very proud of him.  It is a bit of a struggle getting there for early morning rehearsals twice a week.  It costs alot of money (thanks grandma) and there are lots of out of school commitments throughout the year.  But it is all completely worth it, when I heard them play as a concert band.  They are so good infact, that if I shut my eyes, they could easily be adults, they play so well at the top level.

There are also at home practises which have to be presided over by me.  Unfortunately they involve the odd screaming match.  The reason I do all this, is that I learned the guitar and piano as a child and was allowed to quit, when I felt like it.  Today it is one of my greatest regrets, that I do not play a musical instrument with any competency at all.  It was an opportunity I was handed on a platter and through my own laziness, I failed to grasp it.  My life is littered with these fabulous opportunities.  Happily I took many of them, but sadly, learning music was not one such example.

That is why I do not allow him to quit.  In the words of his music teacher.  The pain of practise is temporary, but quitting is forever. I am living proof of that. Somehow after this morning's band breakfast concert and all the adulation, I think that may finally be starting to sink in for him.

Banana and Dark Choc Chip Muffins without Eggs

You need 2 mini muffin pans for this recipe (makes 24 mini muffins)

2 ripe bananas
3 tablespoons spoons honey
3 tablespoons spoons extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1.5 cups wholemeal plain flour
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
100g of choc chips or half a block of dark chocolate roughly processed to form choc chips
Oil spray for greasing the mini muffin pans

Preheat oven to 180 C or 375 F
Mash bananas in a bowl.  Add honey and oil and stir.  Fold in remaining ingredients.  Spoon heaped teaspoonfuls of the mixture into an oiled non stick mini muffin pan.
Bake for approximately 20 minutes. 

These are best eaten warm out of the oven.

If you need some inspiration for a 'bring a plate', idea you may find something here or here from my recipe archive.

And don't forget my $100 Coast and Country Homewares $100 gift voucher giveaway.

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1 comment:

  1. Bonjour,

    Je suis certaine que cette recette de muffins doit être succulente... Mon fils devrait adorer ça !

    Gros bisous
