Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thai Beef with Snow Peas and Asparagus

Thai Beef with Snow Peas and Asparagus

An absolute quickie from me today.  It's a short week after the Queen's Birthday weekend.  The highlight of which, was I went to see friends in a band, that used to play in a few of the ski resorts I worked in, 25 years ago.  I travelled a bit of Europe with the lead singer, after a ski season, but we lost touch, as you do. Enter stage left........ Facebook. They say Facebook has made the school reunion obsolete.  Happily it has enhanced other reunions and I have been able to find so many friends, I had sadly lost contact with, as life circumstances change. This book I am tapping out, sure is throwing up some interesting personal reunions.

The night was absolutely fantastic. My friend is staring as himself in the book, because he was and is a very nice person. 

 Of course not having seen my friends since I was a 22 years old snow bunny, made me a little bit nervous.  I feel exactly the same on the inside and I guess that's what counts.  Shame I'm not the same on the outside, but who the hell is?  Sometimes you have to feel the fear and do it anyway.  

 I danced like no one was watching and told someone else, something I have been wanting to say for 25 years.  It was well received.  What a relief.

We also ate well at home,  over the weekend.

This dish is so quick, easy and delicious. 

Thai Beef with Snow Pea and Asparagus
Serves 2-3 adults

500g/ 1 pound fillet Steak thinly sliced
1 tablespoon peanut oil
2 cloves of garlic grated
2cm/ 1 inch piece of ginger grated
20 snow peas topped and tailed
1 bunch asparagus, cut into 3cm/ 1.5 inches pieces diagonally
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
I teaspoon sugar (optional)

Heat the oil in a fry pan and cook garlic and ginger for about one minute until fragrant.
Brown the beef in batches and return to the pan.
Cook the vegetables for about 2 minutes.
Add the oyster and fish sauce and sugar.  Stir to combine and serve over rice.  We are eating brown rice a lot these days.

You will find more of my easy, low fat recipes here.

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Have a fabulous weekend Beach Dwellers.

Today I am linked up here


  1. I love a quick and easy stir fry, this one looks rather tasty!
    Your weekend sounds exciting, must have been a bit like going to your school reunion catching up after all those years. Glad to hear you got to say the things you've been wanting to say too, not always easy to do but lifes to short to have regrets xx

  2. Yum, thanks for the recipe, I can put together a stir fry but always fall short when deciding what sauces to put in. Yes I defiantly think FB has made school reunions redundant as my eldest has discovered x

  3. Oh, yum, Carolyn! Definitely something I'm going to make! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I love these sorts of quick and easy stir-fries. So perfect for busy mums during the week. I'm glad you had a good time at the reunion. I'm always so nervous before I go to mine but once I'm there I always have a fabulous time xx

  5. This looks wonderful and we eat a lot of brown rice, too.

  6. Yum, thanks for the recipe, I can put together a stir fry but always fall short when deciding what sauces to put in. Yes I defiantly think FB has made school reunions redundant as my eldest has discovered xRead More About Crevalor Reviews and Crevalor and Megatropin
