Monday, November 24, 2014

Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks with Eschallots, Rosemary and Red Wine

 Before I launch into the recipe for Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks with Eschallots, Rosemary and Red Wine. I want to share something else with you.

I was thinking the other day about some of my frugal ways.  I have travel on my mind again and am wondering how I am going to manage to get back to Europe.  I need to save, save, save and as a result I did a mental note of what we already do to conserve our hard earned income.

One of the ways we save thousands a year, is not having a pool.
My darling mum has been ill in hospital and her pool has gone green. The pool man could not squeeze in a pool rescue for her, and these things are best dealt with in a speedy manner, lest they get even worse.  So I spent all of Sunday in a Sydney heat wave, trying to clean it and filling it with chemicals to turn it blue again.  Man were they expensive.  Not to mention running the filter 24/7 for however long, until the water becomes clear.  I can't wait to see the result, when I visit again later in the week. It better work.

Mental anguish aside, I actually love the current colour of the pool.  It looks pretty against the jacarandas. What a shame the algae is so toxic.  Of course the sensible thing would be to remove the jacaranda, which causes so may of the pool's problems.  But it is seeded from one my grandmother gave to mum, when my parents built the house in 1964.  Grandma had grown it in a jam jar, from a tree she had in Melbourne. That original tree was struck by lightening 20 years ago and was lost, but this one had previously grown on it's own from that tree.  Although the practical thing would be to have it removed, the sentiment involved means mum just can't get rid of it. And it is a pretty centre piece to her back yard.

Madam was lying pool side as I scrubbed the walls with a steel brush.  She said  she was ready for the paparazzi, as she reclined on her towel.

I told her it was better to be famous for something creative, rather than just being famous for being famous.  It all went over her head, but one has to wonder where a little girl absorbs a word and a concept like 'paparazzi'.

I took a shot of her and showed mum, who commented that hot pink is a great colour anywhere, any time.  I have to agree.

I had to shoo my little one away when I was pouring chemicals into the pool.  Happily she settled for a cold bath in her cozzie, rather than a swim in the green monster.

Another money saving technique, is using everything up in my freezer and putting the cash I save that week, in the holiday fund.

I found some lamb shanks at the bottom of a freezer draw and decided to make this.

Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks with Eschallots, Rosemary and Red Wine

4 Frenched lamb shanks (visible fat removed)
1 heaped tablespoon plain/all purpose flour
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 small jar/140g tomato paste
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 cup dry red wine
2 cups beef stock
10 medjool dates, pips removed
10 new potatoes
10 eschallots, or raw cocktailing onions, peeled
1/4 cup caramalised balsamic vinegar

To make

Put the flour in a plastic bag with lamb shanks and shake to coat.

Place all ingredients in your slow cooker and cook on high for 6 hours.

Serving suggestion: Decant shanks into large individual ramekins, or pie dishes.

Top with remaining cooking juices and vegetables.

Garnish with extra rosemary, if desired. 

Serve with steamed green vegetables.ĥ

You can find more easy family meals to make here.

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  1. Love lamb shanks too! Such great comfort food!

    1. Yes it's fabulous on a cool night. Nothing beats comfort food.

  2. It's so good you went out on a hot day to help your mother. Even though the pool is green, it does look like a wonderful pool. No matter the cost, I would love a swimming pool - I think they're a great family entertainer and provide cheap entertainment so you don't have to go anywhere else to get cool xx

    1. We sure have had some great parties in that pool, but they truly are so much work. I'd love one if someone else did all the labour. Sadly Mr Beach House loves sailing too much.

  3. Oh my goodness - I have never seen a pool that colour! It is almost iridescent!!! Madam looks stunning in hot pink too. xx
