Friday, April 10, 2015

German Potato Salad and a Great Community Event

This German potato salad made it onto the family Easter table this weekend.  You can serve it warm or cold and it's really good, particularly warm with the Winter month bearing down hard upon us.

German Potato Salad
1kg chat potatoes
cooking oil
175g fat free bacon or leg ham
250g sour cream 
2 green onions thinly sliced
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Peel the potatoes and boil some water.
Cook the potatoes for 10-15 minutes, or so they are still firm.  Don't over cook them, or they will turn to mash..
Meanwhile heat some oil in a fry pan and saute bacon and green onions. Set aside.
Drain the potatoes when cooked and place back in the saucepan in which they were cooked.
Add sour cream, vinegar and sugar and salt and pepper.
Mix well to combine.
Fold in bacon and onions.
Decant to a serving dish
Serve hot or cold.

 In other news, being married to a boat builder, we are heavily involved in the Sydney sailing scene.  Currently Avalon Sailing Club needs a new deck.  It's 50 years since she was built by a previous generation of well meaning mums and dads and the old girl is past her best.  The club has raised $165K but need a further $25K to finish it off. Exorbitant I know, but that's what it costs these days.

 The Club is holding a community fundraiser on 2 May and everyone is welcome.  Apart from the sailing royalty as listed on the invitation below, in a late development, 7 time surfing world champion Layne Beachly has also agreed to come and speak  These over achievers are truly inspirational to listen to and it should be a great night.  Contact deets to organise tickets are at the bottom of the invite.

Why not get a group of friends together and join us for this worthy community event. I'd love to see you there.

You can find more easy family recipe here.

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1 comment:

  1. There are so many different ways to make potato salad aren't there, this is another great recipe :)
