Monday, November 14, 2011

Summer Flowers at the Beach House and Making it Count

A visit to my mother's for the weekend always nets such pleasure for the Beach House Brats and I.  Mr Beach House travelled south for yet another sailing regatta, so we headed for the hills.  Mum takes us out for dinner, looks after the kiddos and generally nurtures us all.  And then there's her garden.  It has been established for close to 50 years and is well loved by all her neighbours.  It's unusual that it doesn't produce something special for each season, but of course in late Sping, it is working overtime.

On offer this weekend past were these gorgeous Birds of Paradise.  I am always blown away by the beauty and wonder of what nature can produce.

They are now sitting on what is supposed to be our computer nook.  It was added to the kitchen renovation so that the Beach House Brats at work, could be close to the hub of the house, but as our laptop is the slowest in the house, it's only used occasionally for that purpose.  Suits me..... as I think a large vase of flowers juxtaposed against a beautiful Nada Herman painting is much more enticing.  The painting was an engagement gift, all those years ago and was quite ominous really, as I have spent hours of my married life sitting on this beach (Clareville), watching over my kiddos having a ball.

Some of the many trophies Mr Beach House has won over a decades long sailing career, also grace the computer nook,  but only the nice ones.  These two have stone bases and I love their artistic value.  He came back with another trophy this weekend...... Third place.  He was defending State Champion, but his nemisis turned up this ex Olympian, whom he would love to beat....not sure if he ever has, I must ask him.

In another corner of the Beach House are the first of my gardenias of the season.  The birds' nest fell out of a tree in our garden as it had obviously served its purpose for early Spring.  I had to laugh at the addition to the nest, of the white plastic packaging tie.  I guess the poor little birdies have to go with what they've got.

And since this post is developing into a post about birds in all their forms, I guess it is appropriate to tell you that on the way home from mum's last evening a bird flew into my car...The car is silver and it was probably didn't see me.  The eldest Beach House Brat called me a murderer, but what was even sadder was the two little birds that were flying with the one that was killed, flew back down to it after I had passed, to see if they could help.  That whole scene played out in my rear vision mirror and it was very poignant.  All I could think of was the little babies that had been so lovingly reared in our front yard this Spring.

 For the remainder of the journey home, the conversation then turned to how short life is and that it's important to make every day count. Very appropriate as we drove home from a weekend with my mum and my kiddos' granny, that was all about making it count.

Today I am partying at


  1. Very sweet post, Carolyn...a bit sad, too. At least there was a little lesson learned in the bird stories. Each day is precious, especially those with loved ones.

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Congrats to Mr. B.


  2. Love all your beach Bird of Paradise and gardena photos. I love all things birds and love your post. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Looks fab against that wonderful painting.

  4. I luv bird of paradise, I have close to 5 of them in my yard.
    Would luv for my readers to discover your blog, will you please join our weekly party at
    have a great crafting week!

  5. your flowers are beautiful with the blue of the painting.
    turquoise is a great colour to be married in.

  6. The flowers are beautiful and your hubby'e trophies are so cool.
    I am so sorry about the little birdie, I always cry when I hit something. :(

  7. ohhhhhhhh. birds of paradise is one of my favorites and will always take me to the north shore of oahu which is so special to our family. i sometimes order these from hawaii in the middle of winter!! nothing like it. also pink ginger makes me giddy.



  8. Lovely flowers and lovely post. Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.
