Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Cream of Celery Soup without Cream

If you have come for the Cream of Celery Soup without Cream recipe scroll down.

So I ordered a box of fruit and vegetables for the first time ever in my life.  Covid 19 is changing the way we do things and creating a lot of 'first times'.  The ordering of the box has been a mixed experience. Their Facebook page said it included bread, yoghurt and juice.  I had a freezer full of meat so I thought if I got the box I would not need to go out for a while.


The bread was Lebanese.  That was unexpected but a nice surprise, the juice was a small bottle for 1 and the yoghurt was a very small serve.  You know the kind of container where you get the choice of the smallest salad.  Yeah... that one.

Whilst we did get some nice kiwi fruit and watermelon, we also got some half green oranges, some yucky apples and some pears which are still not ripe a week later. 

The good side is it was all very fresh and I won't need to buy any more F & V for another week.  So that would be two weeks between boxes if there is another box.

I expected it to be seasonal and it was so I got lots of things I never usually buy.  One of them being a big bunch of celery.  It's not that I never use it, but celery is not on my regular shopping list.  So anyway I've been thinking of ways to use it this week. I used it in the Chicken a la King I made last week.  I've had a bit of feedback that some of you made it and it was tasty and your kids happily ate it.


One friend added parmesan which sounds like a nice touch.

Anyway here's how I used up the rest of the celery.

My mum mentioned she was making cream of celery soup and that inspired me to try it too.  It was absolutely delicious and one that I thought I'd share with you.

Cream of Celery Soup without Cream

100g or 1/4 cup butter
1 tbspn olive oil
1 brown onion diced
1/2 bunch celery including leaves finely chopped
1 clove garlic crushed
2 tbsps cornflour
1.5 cups chicken stock liquid
1.5 cups lite milk
salt and pepper to taste

1. Melt butter and oil over a medium heat
2. Saute onions until translucent
3. Add celery cook until softened
4. Add garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes
5. Add cornflour and stir through celery mix
6. Add chicken stock and milk
7. Stir until thickened
8. Use a moullie or blender to blend the soup into a  liquid

For a bit of comfort serve with hot buttered toast.

For more simple family weeknight wonder meals go here.

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