Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Christmas in July 2016 Recipes and Craft Ideas

Here are a few new and old ideas for Christmas in July.

Fairy Bread Christmas Tree

To click through to the ''how to'', click on the text or the picture.

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Welcome to my Easy Christmas series, where you will find cute and simple budget ideas to put together for Christmas.  I will be adding to this list on the count down to Christmas, so be sure to check back regularly. Click on the picture to follow the story.

Kiwi Fruit and Strawberry Christmas Tree Platter

Easiest Reindeer Biscuits Ever

Chocolate Ripple Christmas Wreath

Easy Chocolate Christmas Pudding

Surfboard Advent Calendar

Easy Christmas Ice Cream Wreath with Chocolate and Mixed Berries

Strawberry Santas

Glazed Christmas Ham with Guinness, Pineapple Juice and Marmalade

Advent Calendar on a Vintage Ladder

Christmas Pudding Truffles with Chocolate and Rum

Easy Swiss Roll Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Yoghurt Ice Cream Log

Rustic Christmas Mantel

Easy Christmas Dessert

Doily Biscuits

Doily Ornament

Christmas Pudding Cake Pops

Easy Advent Calendar

Nordic Style Christmas Decorations

10 Tips to Save $$$ on Christmas Gifts

Santa's Fat Tummy Cup Cakes


  1. So many wonderful and delicious things to do and make. Not sure will be up for it but who knows. Will you be making many of things you featured?
    This last year barely did some decorating in house before I had right shoulder replaced on Dec. 7th. That took care of any ideas had to decorate or make things for holidays. Getting boxes of decorations out was not even considered so as not to have to organize /put things away after holidays. No bending over for me.
    Think we enjoyed holidays more due to not having chore of putting away. Think years of doing too much for holidays is over for us two old people (I'll be 76 on 21st. and hubs will be 75 in Oct.) so we can better enjoy holidays without too much work.
    Saw several things would love to make but will pass them on to our daughter.
    She is our youngest at 46 who works full time at physical therapy office handling insurance end.
    Our oldest will be 56 on 10th. July and "boys" are 53 and 52, 16 months apart. We were just down to CA to see oldest son and his boys while they were there with him. They live in KY with their Mom. Hadn't seen his boys since they were here six yrs. ago. All our grandkids are growing up, oldest is 26 and youngest is 16. Youngest son's boy died June 8th. from recurring cancer, so now we have 5 grandkids. Am still having hard time with it.
    That must have taken you lot of work to get all those holiday projects and recipes rounded up, appreciate your efforts. Hope all is well with you and family, enjoy rest of week.

    1. Ah happy birthday for the upcoming anniversary. I am glad someone may get some use out of these ideas.
