

  1. My emails to you keep getting sent back - Why don't you come here for lunch instead? Then I don't have to worry about a sitter. Can you do Wed or Fri?

  2. I wish you Merry Chrismas. And thank you for the beautiful things in your blog. Giota Nakou

  3. Hi, I sent you a message through yesterday ... just want to make sure you received it. I would be devastated if you did a redraw on the Word Art. I am just so pleased to have won it :)

  4. Hi, I just wanted to let you know I sent an email yesterday claiming my FABULOUS Word Art prize. I am so excited to have won it .. I would be devastated if it was redrawn.

  5. Hi Carolyn,
    Loved reading the blog. I was even mentioned as one of your trivia buddies married to the second in command. Alan is getting all sorts of grief from the boys because he's standing with his hand in his pocket and beer firmly held in hand, looking VERY relaxed at the cocktail party. Good writing - fun piccies. Enjoyed your slant on things, especially the "photogs" always being around every corner ready to take your photo to sell to you!
    Great cruising with such a terrific family and making your acquaintance.
    oxo Kathy oxo

  6. Like the chocolate mousse recipe. I make a pudding for my son similar to this recipe. I like the Star of David blue background for the website. I assume you are Jewish? Peace.


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