Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cherry Ripe Slice and a Coup at the Red Cross Shop

I am on play group morning tea tomorrow and this slice is a favourite round these parts, so I thought I'd dish it up to our little charges for a yummy treat. Actually this recipe has become a standing joke  between my girlfriend Lesley and I, and goes back to when I was attending playgroup the first time round, with my now primary schooler.

I have basically been making morning teas at this play group for the best part of 10 years and since the first time I served it, Lesley has been asking for the recipe. It's not that I haven't wanted to give it to her, but finding time to sit down and copy it was a problem at one stage and so it just never happened. Now whenever the topic of this recipe comes up, the conversation is the same, with her saying tongue in cheek, that I still haven't given her the cherry ripe recipe and me saying, I'll get it to her at some stage. And we laugh and forget about it til the next time...........So this one's for you Les!!!!!

So you will need
200g block of cooking chocolate
250g copha
3 eggs
100g glace cherries
1 cup sugar
2 cups coconut

Sorry I haven't converted the measurements, but my mother reliably informs me that 8oz is 250grams. Actually the recipe was a little all over the place saying things like, a small packet of cooking chocolate and cherries....but mum and I have been making this for years and it always works.

Grease and line a 30cm/12 inch slice tray with baking paper.  If you can make the edges of the paper reach up the sides, even better.
Melt chocolate and copha in a bain marie
Pour chocolate mixture into the slice tray and pop in the freezer for 20 minutes
Preheat a moderate oven 180 C/350 F
Combine lightly beaten eggs, chopped cherries, sugar and coconut.
Spread coconut mixture over now hardened chocolate
Bake for 15-20 minutes until the top is golden brown.
Cool completely in the tin.  Cut and serve.

It's great if you can get an enthusiastic helper to beat the eggs.

Here's the finished product, laid out on a lovely white platter I found at the local charity shop yesterday.  I cannot believe what the affluent throw out.  I did a quick inventory around my living room this morning while I was thinking about it and most of it's from the local Red Cross.

Now I am off to make the next part of the morning tea.  Luckily it only happens a few times a year.  You can see from this next shot, that the pressure of feeding 30 preschoolers, is causing me to have a bad hair day.

Also I wanted to thank Jule-Ann from the Decorating Forum, for featuring my blog earlier in the week

Today I am linked up with


  1. I love the photo of the old chest.The platter is lovely. I can't commit to the cherry recipe altho it looks delicious 'cause I'd be eating the whole thing myself since hubby doesn't like coconut. Can you imagine?

  2. mmm, looks yummy~ Love that your little helper is in the kitchen helping you to bake up some love! Sweet post~

  3. While I know it's not the point of the post, the photos are superb! The reds are awesome!

  4. They do look good, beautiful find too and I am really loving that box on the last shot x

  5. A feast for my eyes :)

  6. My taste buds thank you, my behind won't.

    Worth the wait! I had better get cooking!....

    Les x

  7. Always love a new recipe, thanks for that it looks delicious. Great photos!

  8. This looks delicious...and I feel a visit to a new playgroup coming on, if only to taste those yummy-looking treats!! At our local group, we're lucky to get a squashed fly biscuit!!

    Thank you so much for linking up to my Summer Loving party.


  9. Yum - that looks delicios..must try that one out!

  10. yum!
    although 8 oz is 200grams. 25 grams = 1 oz roughly...although it is 28 grams if you want to be really pedantic, so 250grams might be a bit too much.

    great job mate, your photos are fantastic as usual and you will be doing my kids weddings. letting you know now, ok.
    you have a good eye and make a tea cup look amazing!!!
    what you could do with a stunning bride, will be mind blowing.
    great blog, keep up the great read. always a joy to visit.
    nic xxxx

  11. You treats look so tasty. However, the little one on the cabinet wins top prize.

  12. Who could resist? Not I! If I were nearby, you'd have to be keeping me at bay with a big stick! Yum!


    I am feeling red today—
    Better that than blue, they say.

    Red is such a cheery shade,
    Sweetest color ever made,

    Brightens everything you do—
    Better red, they say, than blue!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


  13. Oh yum! I will take a piece...or two!

  14. They look so yummy! Saw you on linky party and now gfc following you, Karima :)

  15. Looks yummy, Carolyn! Thanks for (finally) taking the time to write down the recipe!

  16. Umm....250g of cpoha? That sounds like a lot? Is this the correct measurement?

  17. Yes it is basically one block if you are in Aaustralia. This is a fabulous slice and you will not be disappointed.


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